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Blond To The Harem: Part 5

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Lana was one of his best Submissives, and was like the leader of the harem in his absence. She unbuckled Megan’s collar and handed it to Jessica, reminding the gagged Submissive of her role in this session. Lana then guided Megan onto the bed with a lustful smile and laid the girl down on her back. Megan shuffled to position her head so that the base of her skull was just about hanging over the edge, and Lana crawled over her chest to straddle her breasts. Jessica was quick to put the collar to one side and kneel behind Lana, getting down on all fours and inserting a finger into Megan’s vagina. Lana’s face lit up, staring down at Megan, who’s mouth gaped open with pleasure. Lana took the opportunity to sit forward, and Megan lifted her gasping lips to Lana’s wet labia.


Leah and Ariana came together by his sides, and he held Leah’s jaw in his hand. She smiled, leaning her body against his while he kissed her softly. Their lips clicked, sucking gently. Ariana stepped behind her, hands caressing Leah’s buttocks and working up towards her breasts. Leah sighed, which mixed with a small giggle, Ariana’s fingers scissoring her nipples while she sucked on the girl’s neck. He did not let up on the kissing, hugging her tighter with her hands on his chest, and his penis rubbed against her clitoris. Her hips shied away from the pressure, but came back in to grind against him. He finally pulled his face away, hugging Leah’s back tightly with his left arm and reaching to pinch Ariana’s chin. Ariana leaned over Leah’s shoulder, staring into his eyes,

“Finger her,” he licked the tip of his tongue over her lips and they opened. He tongued her slowly, Leah sucked her stomach in at the sensations of Ariana’s hand between her legs, and then moans filled the air.


Megan watched him grab the back of Ariana’s head, pulling her in for a more passionate kiss, while he hugged Ariana to sandwich Leah. Leah’s eyes were closed, her hips rocking against Ariana’s hand, and then pleasure flooded Megan’s legs once again at Jessica’s touch. The redhead rubbed furiously at the girl’s clitoris, though Megan’s mind was trying to focus on digging deeper between Lana’s lips. Lana groaned with hands clawing at her own breasts, sucking in sharply and gyrating her hips on the blond’s tongue.


“Jessica,” he called, “get your face out from between her legs and use your fingers like you were told.” She wanted to whine, denied even the slightest bit of fun beyond touching another woman’s vagina. She thrusted two fingers inside Megan, and the reaction was a wide-eyed scream into Lana’s vagina, which provoked a squeal from the buxom Submissive.


Ariana fingered Leah harder now, but he still had a hold of her chin and he looked into her eyes, “Slower. I want you to tease her until I return.” He lowered his face to Leah’s chest, sucking and tugging his teeth on her nipple. Leah hissed, but bit her lip, and then he stood at Megan’s head. His hands cupped Lana’s breasts and he squeezed,

“We are going to have some fun while Megan blows me.”

  • 3 weeks later...

Amazing, you’re good at jumping around the different actions without making it confusing

3 hours ago, BondingSub said:

Amazing, you’re good at jumping around the different actions without making it confusing

I had ***ed that possibility, so I am glad you think I was smooth about it

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