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Such a Delicate Thing

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You gave yourself to me.
We do not take in the initial encounter;
Submissions are earned in this arena.
Cherish this gift, I will;
Only fools *** such responsibility.
Now the power dynamics shift.
The sheer insanity of it all.
Such a delicate thing;
A woman’s trust of her body to another.
Imagine a flower. ***.
I strip the petals away;
You open yourself to me more each time.
But if I destroy the flower,
It ceases to grow.
No, that won’t do…
Never damage beyond repair.
Only *** en-route to the pleasure.
Such a delicate thing;
A woman’s trust of her body to another.
Cherish this gift, I will;
Only fools *** such responsibility.

- Intellectual Ruffian
Only fools *** such responsibility. 👏🏼👏🏼
7 minutes ago, Angelbaby865 said:
Only fools *** such responsibility. 👏🏼👏🏼

Such a true statement, it had to be said twice.

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