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The Restaurant - following on from 'Working from home'

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I made the call and booked the table at our favourite Italian restaurant for later that evening. Then sat back in my office chair, what a productive day it had been so far.

I'd told her to go and get ready for the evening, so I guess I should take my own advice. I went up the stairs and as soon as I entered the bedroom I could hear the ensuite shower running, her soft voice singing sweetly. She's be in there for an age, if history was anything to go by. Thoughts of her beautiful body covered in the hot soapy water made my cock twitch, but I'll get to have my playtime later.

I walked to the wardrobe and selected what to wear for the evening, and headed back to the shower room just off my office. A long hot shower and a shave, a spray or two of the aftershave my pretty girl had bought me, and I slowly got dressed.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I may be more than twice her age, but I kept myself in decent shape, the flecks of grey in my beard gave me a distinguished look. My eyes a piercing blue that, so I'm told, sparkled when my thoughts turned dirty and dark, which since I found my little girl, have been frequent and fantastic.

I shrugged on the suit jacket and smiled at my reflection. To all who saw me I was the very picture of a smart, sensible, middle aged man. How little they knew.

I walked into the hallway and was about to call up when I saw her standing there, and I caught my breath. She stood smiling at the top of the stairs, her make up subtle and perfect, her hair softly curled and falling across her shoulders, just how I like it. She was wearing the new summer dress I'd bought her a few days before, and she looked amazing.

I smiled broadly and held out my hand. She came down the stairs slowly in her heels, the dress swaying softly with each step.

I took her hand and pulled her close, breathed in the soft scent of her perfume and kissed her cheery red lips softly "You are stunning, my girl".

She giggled shyly, a little flush in her cheeks "Thank you Daddy."

Taking her hand firmly in mine we walked out of the door to the car. Ever the gentleman I opened her door and she slid silently into the seat.

It wasn't a long drive to the restaurant, just along the coast road. The sun was shining, and she filled the time telling me excitedly about a new movie that had just come out. It was looking like a cinema trip was on the cards.

I pulled up outside the restaurant and unhooked my seat belt, when her sweet voice rang out. "Oh Daddy, I almost forgot" she pulled the bottom of her dress up, exposing her beautiful smooth pink pussy. "I remembered, look." She smiled.

I felt the familiar twinge in my boxers, but managed to keep my composure at such a beautiful sight. "Good girl. Shall we?"

I held open the door open, and in she walked. We were walked to our table. It always fills me with pride when I catch the glances of other men, their eyes feasting on my little girl's perfect curves, knowing that she is all mine.

I'd booked a booth to the side of the busy restaurant, against the far wall. We slid into the soft velvet seats and sat close, side by side. We were handed menus and I ordered drinks for us both, and were left to ponder the options.

"What shall I have Daddy?" She said, biting her lip, her brow furrowed. I could barely look at the menu, she looked so pretty, so cute, so perfect right there and then. Not two hours ago I'd been fucking her hard across my desk, and yet here she sat, so innocent, so pure. She looked up and caught my eye and smiled, just for me.

"It's OK Princess, Daddy will order for you." She smiled even wider, and put the menu down. "Daddy, can I kiss you. I REALLY want to".

I looked into her beautiful eyes, held her chin and leaned in close, her sweet lips met mine and I heard a soft sigh escape her. Lost momentarily in each other we didn't at first notice the waitress with our drinks.

She set the drinks down on the table as my little girl and I parted, and I gave the food order. Our actions from earlier had given me quite the appetite. We sat and waited, talking, scanning the other people in the restaurant, making up scenarios as to why they were there. Picking out who was hot and who was not.

My hand rested firmly on her thigh, caressing slowly, circling so that with each rotation her pretty dress rode a little higher up her thigh. As we talked my finger tips found the soft skin and I heard her voice waiver just a little as my fingers slowly edged higher. She smiled and eased her legs wider, wanting more, eager for her Daddy's touch. I could see her chest rising and falling a little more as my fingers brushed the very top of her inner thigh... just as the waitress arrived with our food.

I smiled sweetly at the waitress and my little girl cleared her throat and brushed her dress back down, composing herself. Two full, rich plates of steaming linguine were placed before us, brimming with fresh sauces. Carbonara for me, and a spicey arrabiata for my girl.

The forks worked the soft pasta slowly as we both tucked in, the food was always top class here. After a few minutes I noticed that my Princess was drinking her water. I looked across and saw that her cheeks were flushed. "You ok Pretty girl?"

She nodded, but I could tell she wasn't quite so sure. I raised my eyebrows... "it's just" she began hesitantly, "it's a bit spicey Daddy".

"Hmmm," I pondered, "would you like to swap sweetie?" Her eyes grew wide, and that smile was back "Oh yes please Daddy!".

With a grin I swapped the plates, and in she tucked, making happy little noises. I savoured the bite of the chillies and peppers on my tongue.

Before long the plates were virtually empty, satisfying filled we both sat back. I noticed a little of the sauce on her lip and reached out, lifting the creamy sauce on my finger I slipped it between her red lips, eyes locked as she sucked hard.

The waitress came to take the plates away, she looked a little flushed at our brazen behaviour. She was cute, and I noticed my little girl checking out her body, interesting. The waitress mumbled that she would be back in a few moments.

My hand found its way back onto her thigh once more, this time with little pretense, as it slid straight to the inner thigh and higher. I heard a soft gasps as fingers found her already wet lips, teasing them softly apart. Her legs opening wider as she sighed. Two fingers parted the sweet bald lips and the middle finger slipped easily inside. The other patrons of the restaurant went about thier conversations, as I sat probing my little girls pussy. Sliding deeply in and out.

"Would you like some ice cream pretty girl?" I asked. She was biting her lip and nodded. Eyes a little wider than before.

Just as the waitress came over again, I slid my wet middle finger from inside, and started to circle her clit. "Tell the lady what you want Princess"

She licked her lips and cleared her throat, as beneath the table my finger circled and rubbed her swollen clit. "I'd... erm," she paused. The waitresses cheeks betrayed her thoughts as I smiled up at her, she knew what was happening. "I'd like... some... chocolate ice cream, please". "And I'll have a coffee."

The waitress walked away just as my little girls composure finally caved in, perhaps it was my fingers pinching her clit that did the trick. And she let out a loud gasp, making some other diners look over.

I removed my hand as she held the table, shaking slightly. She watched as I licked my fingers clean "Daddy's favourite dessert", I smiled.

The ice cream arrived, and with delight my little girl tucked in. As I sipped the rich dark hot liquid, watching every mouthful. She looked sideways at me "What Daddy?"

"Nothing my beautiful girl, I just like looking at you".

"Awwww Daddy..."

It wasn't long before the spoon was scraping the last of the ice cream from the bowl. "Mmmmm that was SOOOO good". She dabbed the napkin to the side of her pretty mouth.

I signalled a passing waiter, and asked for the bill. "Daddy can I go to the bathroom please?"

"Of course sweetie, and good girl for asking."

She smiled leaned in for a gentle kiss and sidled out of the booth. I looked down and smiled to myself as I saw the damp patch on the velvet seat she'd left behind.

I paid the bill, and was waiting by the door when she returned from the bathroom, taking her hand we walked back to the car. The drive home as the sun was setting was beautiful, but not as beautiful as my little girl.

"Daddy, can I tell you something?"

"Anything Princess."

"Well, when I went to the bathroom something strange happened." She paused, I glanced across and she was turning a folded piece of paper in her hands. "Our waitress was in the bathroom when I walked in, and she smiled at me so prettily. And she gave me her number"

She held the paper up between her fingers, smiling broadly. I was glad I'd left a generous tip.
That’s the kind of waitress I want. Please continue your story. We’re waiting.
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