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Here's Thinking of You, Kid...

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It’s late. The darkness outside the windows while you’re marking papers makes the day’s hours blur. It’s like any break you’ve had has been written-off by the glare of a computer screen for too long… and despite the air of being shut away, your visiting parents are of course in other rooms, gently breathing while sleeping, or preparing to let the night take its course.

However –

In another room, in another house, there’s a man who is far from complacent, and though the same darkness presses against different windows, his thoughts are with you. In those thoughts, yes you may be in front of a screen diligently attending to students’ needs, but as far as he’s concerned, you’re all sparks and contained wetness that could explode into held wrists and waterfalls given the opportunity…

Your skin is like a beautiful instrument, the most sensitive cello can’t replicate. The depth of your feeling is beyond measure. Your orgasms are like universes rising and falling in milliseconds, and I adore giving them to you. You’re your own ‘big bang’.

Sometimes, if I allow myself, the desire for you is overwhelming… the conflagration of physical, and mental, and sensation… but I suppose, to put it at its most simple.. I’d like to walk into your room, grab your hair, twist it in my fist, *** you to the floor despite there being no blazing fire in your house, spank you, kiss your open mouth ***fully and continuously and thrust my fingers into you….I want you to soak them as you have before…

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