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Evolution of a Little - a DDLG story.

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There was a time, and it sometimes seems like only yesterday, that my baby girl would slip into Little space so easily after work. We’d be silly, we’d play, we’d watch some TV and we’d round off the evening with a reassuring cuddle.
Time went by and she was not so Little anymore. The TV time was replaced by conversation and the occasional board game. We’d speak about boys and she became curious about what they liked, how to please them. I was happy to tell her what I knew, and on occasion, to show her what I thought they’d like.
A little more time went by, and The Brat appeared. I sometimes felt that nothing I could say or do was enough for her, and she took great pleasure in testing my tolerance. Many a spanking took place, pleasing me, but also pleasing her. She knew exactly what she wanted.
She grew up. She evolved. What was an escape, a chance to leave the stresses of the grown up world behind, gradually became an exploration of more adult things.
I sometimes wish we could reset, but only sometimes. It’s still good, but a VERY different kind of good.
Aww how sweet. I’m glad it all worked out
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