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Fantasy or factual.. You decide.. Part 2


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Ā This is part 2 and just to prevent some of the previous comments I'm going to say this is a fictional story šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


So I'm left on the floor as I try and calm my breathing. I know he is watching, Ā I can feel it. "On your knees" Ā He whispers. I move to my knees as quickly as I can. The spreader bar doesn't make it easy. Ā "Up" He says as he helps me up onto my feet again. Once again he pulls my hands up and clips them above me. "Stay silent and stay still" and with that he leaves locking the door behind him. I'm left once again to reflect on what has happened. His gone for a while this time and I begin to worry he will be leaving me here. Then the lock on the door clicks and he is back. He unclips my hands again. With quick movement he unclips the spreader bar. He stands in front of me and grips my chin. Lifting it so even though I'm blindfolded I would be looking up at him. "You have pleased me, Ā I won't gag you now. but if you make a sound I will, Ā understood" I nod. He clips my hands in front of me and leads me out of the shed and back down the path.Ā 

Stepping into the house again it feels warm. I'm led across the room and back out into the hall. That when he pulls me to him his mouth right next to my ear as he unclips my wrists. "Crawl" with that I'm turned around and pushed to my knees. I start to crawl and I'm aware of him behind me. "Left" I begin to turn left but I'm met with something hard, Ā steps. "Up you go" He growls from behind me and Its then I remember the butt plug. I begin to climb the stairs on my hands and knees with him behind me no doubt enjoying the view. I reach the top but he doesn't indicate for me to stand. Still on my hands and knees I crawl forward. The floor changes to tiled floor, Ā I'm entering a bathroom. "That's far enough" I stop and wait. I hear the door click shut. Then his hand is on my bottom. Stroking me. Then it moves to the plug and he begins to twist it. His other hand comes to the base of my back as I'm once again told to relax. Slowly he twists and turns it and then pulls it out. I'm told not to get too use to it as a bigger one will be replacing it shortly. I'm about to reply that I don't think I can take any bigger when I am slapped hard on my bottom and told not to speak.Ā 

I'm pulled to my feet, Ā the cuffs are removed followed but the ankle ones and the collar. I'm told to step up as I'm guided into a bath that has been run. I sit down on my knees. The water feels good on my sore bottom. I'm told I can remove the blindfold once he leaves the room. That I must clean myself and then dress in the items that have been left for me, Ā put the cuffs, Ā collar and blindfold back on and be waiting kneeling on the mat when he returns palms up legs apart. I hear him place the cuffs and collar down and the door opens then closes. I wait a few moments listening. Then I carefully untie the blindfold. The bright light hurts my eyes and it take a moment for me to focus. I wash myself quickly. I'm not sure how long he will allow me so I quickly wash my hair and face and then take extra care washing my bottom etc.Ā 

I rinse off and step out of the bath wrapping a big towel around me and using a smaller one for my hair. Quickly I dry myself and as best I can I towel dry my hair. I find a brush left for me on the side with two hair bands.. two! I brush my hair and put it in pig tails. I move to the side to see what has been left for me to wear... I take the stockings and slip those on along with the suspender belt and attach them then take the bra and put that on. I'm done. There are no panties. But then again I didn't expect there to be. There is a sealed bottle of water and i open it and drink not realising just how thirst i was. I attach the collar again and the ankle cuffs. Then I attach the wrist cuffs. Finally after having a quick glance around to check I had done everything asked of me I kneel on the mat facing the door and tie the blindfold again. I'm back in darkness again. I open my legs slightly and place my hands on each thigh palms up as I had been instructed. And I wait. I don't have to wait long, Ā I'm suddenly curious to know how he knew I was ready? Good timing maybe or was he somehow watching? The door handle rattles and then opens. He seems to stand in the doorway looking at me. I stay as still as I can. He steps forward and his hand rests in my head. "Good girl".

Itā€™s implied that itā€™s not fictional.. wink wink
He leaves you again, on your own, for longer, restrained so he has no idea whatā€™s happening to you. Heā€™s inconsistent. He tells you not to make a sound, or heā€™ll gag you again. In the bathroom, ā€œI'm about to reply that I don't think I can take any bigger when I am slapped hard on my bottom and told not to speak.ā€ So you spoke or made a sound, otherwise he wouldnā€™t have slapped you hard, and yet he told you earlier that if you made a sound, heā€™d gag you.

Fictional/not fictional please just enjoy this story for what it is.. A story.. It's just a story.. I'm no professional author. There will no doubt be inconsistency, and it won't please everyone.. Im only posting the storyĀ  for entertainment for those who do enjoy it. If it's not for you then that's okay, we are all different, we all like different things. It's what makes us us. Happy vibes šŸ˜Š enjoy your day peeps.Ā 

This is very sexy. I like how you have been as descriptive as possible. I was imagining my princess in my head. I could use aspects of this to entertain her. Thank you.
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