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events in February ?


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Hello everyone,

what are the best events / venues you would recommend in England roundabouts February ? Looking forward to discovering that side of your country !




whereabouts in England ? 

what sort of events are you into?


Hello, well a little bit everywhere in big cities, London, Birmingham, Leeds, ... I am rather flexible in terms of places. Won't go down to Cornwall though, neither will I go too far up North, unfortunately.

Well, I'm looking for BDSM events, where people play. Not looking for munches at all. I'll be with a friend of mine, too. I've already seen the BBB in Birmingham, and "Bekink" I think it was called, in London. Have you heard of either of them ? What do you think ? Would you recommend anywhere else ?


it'd be difficult to list every event in the whole of UK in February

but - TG have just put their dates up two nights of parties on Feb 14 and 15th at Studio Spaces in London


Thank you very much. Unfortunately these dates won't match mine. I'll have a look at what TG is and see if I can tweek the dates round. I am quite impressed with the amount of events there are in the UK !


Thank you to you both. I've had a look at their own description on their website. It looks absolutely gorgeous, can you actually (floggers, whips, wax, needles) there ? 

Or is it more about fetish clothing and good music ? Looks really great anyway, even if I am looking for impact play if possible. And it would be a shame to be shown the way out after having travaled that much ! 



I don't know the venue - but I went to one at Coronet (now gone) and the one in Edinburgh - it's a mixed bag but they do have dedicated play spaces.

Other events to kind of google

DVS (although they're on a little break)





Thank you very much. I'll look into those soon.

Have a good night !

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