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A fun start to the night

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After a long day at work I walk through the front door calling out to you asking how your day has been. As I turn around from putting my shoes away, I see you cooking in the kitchen, still dressed in your OCP’s, confused I look at my watch, it’s 8pm. You still haven’t answered how your days gone but at this point I don’t even need to ask. I know that prick of a corporal has you wound up tighter than the Gordian Knot. Looking around to see that the coast is clear I sigh in relief, as it doesn’t look like anyone /or dog will be getting in my way. Walking towards you, I grin, as I realize you have your AirPods in. Perfect I think, rushing the last few feet I snake my right arm around your waist as my left winds its way around and clamps down on your throat. For the briefest of moments you’re stunned, your breath catches and all is still. Then, as the spatula hits the ground your training kicks in. You try and spin your body but I clamp down harder on your throat, failing that you try backing me against the wall, right as it looks like you’ll pin me I hook my leg behind yours and spin you so that your face gets pined against the wall. You grunt, but you’re not hurt, you’re pissed, I can feel your *** boiling as I laugh, at how adorable you are, remembering just how confident you were that you’d be able to over power me. Pushed up against the wall I lean in close to your left letting my breath caress you before quietly whispering in your ear “now be a good girl and try to make this fun for daddy”. I punctuate my sentence by bitting down hard on your earlobe, enjoying the yelp of surprise that escapes your lips. Grinning even more as I hear you curse under your breath. Grabbing you by the hair with my right hand and pulling you towards me I latch onto your OCP with my left and start to rip downwards. Startled you spin around with fire in your eyes. You’ve warned me about fucking with your ocps, you open your mouth the lay into me but before you can get a word out I rip down with all my ***, tearing your shirt in half while launching myself towards you. As your mind registers what I’ve just done you once again open your mouth to let me have it, but this time I cut you off with my own mouth. As our lips meet your tongue darts around not wanting to give me anything. You’re pissed and I love it. As you push against me, my hands make there way up your now exposed abs, my right tracing around your navel piercing, while my left goes for your throat.
Fuck reading that got me hot 🥵
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