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Jill's awakening pt 1

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Jilly looked at the screen of questions in front of her. WTF was she doing; did she need this, all the hassle, all the creeps it might attract?

She'd had a number of good relationships, decent fella's who treated her well and genuinely wanted to make a go of it with her, but it was never enough, she always felt there was something missing.

She looked at the screen again. Describe yourself: That was fairly easy, she was intelligent, articulate, independent, she had a naughty, if somewhat quirky sense of humour. She enjoyed nice wine and good food. Describe yourself physically: What to put? She was tempted to write 'never had any complaints' but knew that wouldn't do. Probably best to be honest, 5'5", shoulder length brown hair, have been told I'm pretty, a little heavier than I'd like, big boobs (have always been a hit with the boys). She knew she shouldn't put that last bit in, but it was true and her quirky sense of humour got the better of her, shame the dating website didn't let her put a laughing emoji next to it. Do you want to add a photo: Definitely not.

What are you looking for? This was far more difficult, she really didn't know how to describe it, it was more a feeling than anything else. She looked at the screen, trying to conjure up the words, knowing that this might be the most important bit. She began to type: I'm looking for someone who will respect me, someone who will cherish and protect me, hold me in his arms and tell me everything is ok. Someone who knows his role in life is to care for me. In return he will get someone who knows
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