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Kills awakening pt

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their role and who will give their love and devotion.

She read it over to herself, she'd planned on writing about a good sense of humour and wanting to have fun, and being tall etc, but the more she read it, the more it seemed right. She added one little bit to the end, Are you the right man?

With almost shaking hands she hit the 'post' button on the screen.

She sat there for an hour awaiting replies. Nothing, just a few notifications that people had read her post. She was tempted to take it down but it was almost her bedtime and she decided to leave it overnight, remove it in the morning.

She awoke early and grabbed her computer along with her coffee, opening up the dating app. She had fif*** replies, wow. She was almost nervous as she clicked on the first one. Typical, 'I want to suck your big tits, send me a picture." The next one, "Do you like titty fucking?" Well she did, but not with this wanker. Most of the rest followed in the same vein, men offering to stick their big dicks up her ass, even asking if she was lactating so she could breast feed them, yuk.

Of the fif*** replies, only one was even literate, not alone non obscene. "Hi, I read your post with interest, I think I understand what you need and I think you can be what I want. If you're interested, you can click on my profile and then reply to this, telling me you're interested."

She re-read it a couple of times, short and sweet with a hint of self assuredness or was it cockiness. She clicked on his profile and was surprised to see a picture, his profile telling her he was forty three, which tallied with his picture. His hair was cut neat and short, the lightest touches of grey at his temples and eyes looking straight back at you, he wasn't smiling and nor could you describe it as a smirk, it was more a confident, 'like what you see' look. She had to admit to herself that she did.

He caught the waiter's eye and got him to bring two glasses of water and to leave the menus. "So Jilly tell me a little about yourself."

"Such as?"

"Well I know why I replied to your ad, but why did you answer back?"

This threw her, it was a strange and unexpected question, although maybe not unreasonable. She found herself babbling trying to answer it. "I don't know really, it's my first time posting an ad on a dating site and I didn't know what to expect. From your reply you seemed to understand what I was saying and..."

The waiter returned and Jilly hadn't even looked at her menu but Chris ordered Veal escalope for both of them, telling her it was really good and to trust him, she just nodded. She was annoyed, more at herself for not saying anything, rather than at Chris for ordering. Was this what she wanted?

They carried on talking or rather she carried on talking, finding Chris to be a good listener and seemingly very interested in whatever she had to say. During a lull in conversation he asked her did she always wear her hair down or did she sometimes wear it tied back. She said it depended and that she had a hair go-go in her bag if he wanted to see it tied back. He nodded and she tied it back.

He looked at her for a moment, "I prefer it, leave it tied back." Jilly couldn't believe this, she was actually blushing and doing this small thing that pleased him left her with butterflies in her stomach, thankfully their food arrived.

He was right, the Veal was really good. Not much was said when they were eating and she began to feel nervous, wondering if things were ok. She needn't have worried, as the waiter took their plates away,
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