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Fantasy or factual.. You decide.. Part 3


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Please do not take my story too seriously.. It may not be to everyone's tastes and I do not claim to be a world reknown author so my spelling, grammar and flow may be a little squiffy.. I'm human.. So errrrr! 


After a short while I'm told to stand. Automatically I put my hands out wrists together and he clips them together. I'm led out of the bathroom and along the landing into a carpeted room. Standing just inside the room he come up behind me leaning down and whispers into my ear. "This will be your room" I'm pulled back out of the room and further along the landing. What did he mean "my room.?"  I feel myself start to panic. The next room is also carpeted. I'm pushed inside and the door clicks shut but isn't locked. "Climb onto the bed on your knees, ankles on the edge" I'm told. I do as I'm told and once again a spreader bar is clipped between my ankles. "Face down hands through your legs" again I do as I'm told. My wrists are clipped to the spreader bar so with my face on the bed my arse is high in the air, legs open  I am open to all manner of use now. I feel him drip liquid on my bum. More lube, he prods and probs. I feel metal again. It pushes at my opening. He has to apply more *** his time. It's bigger. It hurts. I bite down on the comforter trying not to make a sound. There is no point fighting. The way I'm tied I can't move. After some pushing it slides in and he twists and pulls on it stretching me. I don't like it. 

Once he is happy where it is his hands move to my cunt. Opening me. He sides two fingers inside.  Then three.  I start to get wet. As he pushes his fingers in I feel the butt plug. He moves away and I hear him over near what must me a table or chest. He returns and I feel some thing being pushed inside my cunt. It's not big like a vibrator it's more oval. A bullet. Shit. By the time I realise my head is being pulled back and the gag is being put on again. I struggle. I think I know what is next. Click... the bullet starts to vibrate. With the butt plug in me to I feel full and the vibrations are going right through me. He keeps changing the setting. Fast slow fast slow.  I feel myself building already and in seconds I'm cumming hard as I cum he twists the butt plug. The gag muffled my screams. Still he continues and I can feel another building already. No no ... I shake my head. It's no use I cum again.  On and on.. the bullet is joined by some sort of wand. He holds it on my clit and I come apart again. I'm shaking. He flips me over. Unclips my hands and clips me to the headboard. My legs are still spread by the bar.  I need to close them I need to but I can't.  He pulls the bra down so my tits spring free. Grabbing each nipple he squeezing and I feel it deep in my cunt. I'm cumming again. I'm exhausted. "More" He growls. And he clips clamps to each of my nipples. They are tight and the *** distracts me from the bullet for a while. Then the wand is back. I try to wiggle away from it I'm shaking my head. No please no more.. he finds my clit and I'm cumming again.. I don't even realise that he has taken off the spreader bar. He pulls the bullet out but then rams his cock hard up inside me. He is pinning me. His hand on my neck as he ***s his cock right up deep inside me. With he butt plug pushing to I cum again gripping has cock squeezing it as he cums inside me I feel him throbbing. Small aftershock spasm through me. He gets up and moves away leaving me laying tied spread on the bed. At last I can close my legs. Or at least I try. "NO!" I'm told. "I want to see my cum drip out of you" so I lay there.

 A little while later he  comes and sits between my legs. He cleans me with wipes. He checks the butt plug is still in place and twists it. He unclips my hands and helps me to sit. I feel the plug being pushed deeper. He places a bottle of water in my hands,  it's a sealed bottle and I open it and drink. Once he thinks I've had enough he take the bottle from me. Relaxing I don't realise until too late and the gag is back on "Up" I'm told as I'm pulled off the bed. The door is opened and I'm led back along the landing to the bathroom. Led i side he sits me on the toilet. Lifting my chin he growls. "Slut will piss or i will beat you" humiliated but desperate I go. I'm allowed to clean myself after and then we are back on the landing again heading to the room he called "mine" "Hands and knees" I do as I'm told dropping down quickly and feeling the plug as I do. I'm maneuvererd forward until I can't go any further.  A mesh fence. Before I realise it's too late and I hear the cage door shut and a lock click. "Hands" I'm told and I move my hands towards his voice. He hooks the clips on them and my wrists are now clipped to the cage. "Rest" and with that he is gone. The door closes and is locked. I try and get as comfortable as I can. I'm not sure how long he is gone for. I dose off. 

The sound of the door lock wakes me but he isn't alone. "This is my new pet" He says. My wrists are released and I'm told that when the cage opens I must crawl out backwards. I hear the lock open and the door swings open. Slowly I back out of the cage on my hands and knees. He grabs my collar and I freeze. He clips a lead to it and I am pulled round and out of the room. Back along the landing to the room with the bed. This time I'm moved to the corner facing the wall and told to sit back on my heels. The lead is removed as is my bra. My hands are pulled behind me and clipped together. They are talking in low voices and I can't make out what they are saying. I want to go home. I'm scared now. One comes along side me and starts to stroke my head. Calming me. "Up" it's a different man. Not the same voice. His voice is sterner. Then my head is pulled back as the man grips my neck tight. "I'm going to enjoy this piece of fuckmeat" by the neck he drags me across to the bed. Pushing me over so I'm stood bent over the bed. Using his legs he pushes my legs apart. His hand is at the nap of my neck holding me down. "Which hole first" He says. And I start to struggle. I don't want him to take me. I know he will be rough. It's useless though as he has me pinned.  

The bed dips as the first bloke climbs on the bed. Taking my head he lifts me so he is under me. My face at his cock. He undoes the gag "Suck" I'm told. My face pulled down onto his cock. I try and block out what else might happen and just concentrate on him. I move up and down sucking and licking lapping at his juices as he swells. I feel the man behind me hear him undoing his trousers.  Then he is back. His cock starts pushing into my cunt. Oh god he is wide. I struggle but my head is pulled back and I'm told to just take it. He rams into me hard. Pushing the butt plug in too. Over and over and all the time my head is being pushed down onto cock. I try to close it all out. A few more thrusts and I feel him cum inside me. He stills and the cock is pulled from my mouth. They both move away leaving me drapped  over the bed. 

A few moments and the original man is behind me now as he manoeuvres me up onto the bed. I'm on my hands and knees and the spreader bar is back. My hands are pulled through and clicked to it. I know what is coming. Suddenly the second man is on the bed and strokes my hair. Then I hear it, the wand.. no.. no.. I can't move and it's there. On my clit more and more. His fingers join it opening me up. Something is being pushed in side me. A dido I think. In and out in and out. I can concentrate. Then the butt plug is being moved. Twisted. Pushed and pulled. Just as the wand setting is changed and I start to cum apart. I start to yelp and cry out and a hand covers my mouth. The second man holds me firmly. I haven't noticed the first man pull the butt plug out until I feel him pushing at the entrance. Forcing his cock inside little by little. The orgasm continues on and one as he now drops the wand but pushes deeper I to me. The second man reaches down and pulls and twists my nipples still muffling my cries. The first man still balls deep inside me. Then slowly he starts to move. I still have the dildo inside me too. The room is hot, spinning. And then silence and darkness. I've passed out. 


Wow! What a great story to start on a Sunday morning…

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