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From sub to slave (Master's pov)


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I'm new here but I thought I'd share some of my experiences from my kink life in Japan. I spent over 20 years there. I had already been initiated into the swinger lifestyle by a horny middle age couple when I was barely legal before I had even gone to Japan. So to say things ramped up rapidly in the land of hentai is a given. Now, I'm not sure exactly what is ok to talk about here but I have a feeling they are a little more permissive over there. So I'll try to keep it within reason.

I think the first story I'll share is about my LTR with Miki that turned from her being a sub to a slave. 

Our relationship didn't start out in a traditional kind of way. She was seeing a married friend of mine but didn't realize he was married. He was a bit of a scum bag in that he always felt he had to lie to his partners about his status. Anyway, near the end of their relationship my buddy invited me to join a threesome with her. His wife found out about her soon after that and my friend had to dump Miki.

He actually gave me her contact info and said she liked fucking me and I should meet her. I did. We hung out and went on actual dates. For some reason we just hit it off and went from hook-ups to a situationship to living together within half a year. We quickly found out she liked being dominated in the bedroom, and in the relationship in general. Liked having clothing and underwear ripped, being tied up, toys used on her to excess, throat fucking and eventually a couple years in we found out she liked exposure in places like adult shops where she was groped by customers.

We engaged in threesomes, swapping and group sex in general, slowly at first as we found local reliable people but then on a regular basis. Probably once a week-ish. It had gotten to be just part of our normal sex life. 

Then we found Dave. Dave was a black guy from the states. He lived nearish us and also to Miki's workplace. He was experienced and he and I got on well in the first mails. The first time we met him he came to our place. Miki had a late shift and didn't get home until late so he came over before that and the two of us hung out and had a bit to drink. When I knew she was going to be off I sent her a message telling her my friend was over and that we were drinking and to bring home something for herself if she wanted.

Now before this we had gotten into the habit of me not even asking anymore if she wanted to hook up with a single or couple. I just told her I met someone and we were going to play with them, because I generally knew her schedule and when she was available. This time I didn't even mention my plans. So she came home and after a little bit of socializing and drinking it quickly turned into a threesome with me starting things off by just leaning over and kissing and groping Miki and telling Dave to stand up and get his cock out.

We had a good time but Miki struggled a bit to take Dave. Although a good inch or more shorter than my cock Dave was a good 3 inches across. More than my 2 and a bit. And Miki was a 5 foot nothing 100 lbs small Japanese lady with small palmful size tits and a tight pussy. But she took his dick like a champ. Biting her lip and scowling a bit in *** through the tougher parts.

The next morning I just knew we had to play with him again. He and I were on the same wavelength about a lot of things. He had sex friends and couples he would hook up with regularly too so we swapped stories. And since he lived so conveniently close to us and her work I knew it would be easy to arrange a meet. Plus the idea of Miki's pussy getting worked hard and her squirming around struggling to handle him got me hard.

So about 5 days after our first meeting we met up for our second encounter with him at his apartment. We spent the day there going over before noon, bringing snacks and drinks. We watched porn, chatted about experiences and life in general and fucked on and off all day. At one point Dave went for a shower and asked Miki if she wanted to clean up as well. She declined but I told her she should, she asked if I was going to join. I just laughed and said we can't fit three of us in in his small apartment shower. She hesitated at first but then followed him after another "go on" from me. I could hear a bit of laughter and what not from the shower room and then suddenly quiet. Then just a minute after that she came running out by herself. She dried off and seemed a little distant at first but then I pulled her close and held her for a bit while we watched porn on the TV. Dave came back and we chilled for a little bit. Then we played for a couple of more hours on and off before going home.

It was about 2 weeks before we could meet him again as he had plans to meet a cuck couple the following week (he later brought me along to play with them but that's another story) so we ended up meeting another of our regulars, a British husband/Japanese wife that I sometimes met alone for cuck play. We had a foursome and that was good fun. But it was fairly vanilla to us at that point.

When Dave was finally free again it was a day Miki was working. So I messaged her before she got off work that I was going to pick her up after work. She met me at the usual spot and I handed her a chu-hai (sweet alcoholic drink) and greeted her when she got in. I never mentioned once where we were going until she got brave and broke the silence by asking "Where are we going?". "Dave's" I told her. She seemed a little reluctant but I ignored it and she spoke up again randomly asking "Do you get jealous when I fuck other guys?" "Why would I ask? I invited them. Do you get jealous when I go over to Sam's place to have a threesome with them? Or when you watch Kumi and I have sex?" (an affair couple we met once for swapping, the lady wanted to meet me by herself and also she liked to be watched so sometimes she would come over to our place and Miki would watch and masturbate, then after Kumi left Miki and I would have sex). Miki never answered. And also we were soon at Dave's place.
We hopped out and went in to his apartment. The night started out pretty usual with a threesome but this time I got Dave to forego the condom pointing out how he was kind of thick for Miki and it would go smoother, so to speak, without the rubber. As we played I slowly pulled away and sat back to watch. Just when it was heating up between the two of them, Miki gritting her teeth every once in a while taking his fat cock even though it was skin on skin with a bit of lotion, I was struck that I wanted her to stay the night with him. I had kind of talked to Dave about how I'd like to get to that point where I could send her to him on her own but hadn't planned anything.

I suddenly started to gather my things and said to Dave "she's good to stay here tonight right?" Dave still thrusting nonchalantly said "yeah, no problem." So I got up and left telling Miki "see you tomorrow" as she continued to take Dave's cock. I didn't look back after a quick glance at them as Dave pounded her. She had her eyes closed then and I have no idea if she even saw me leave. When I got home I asked him to take some pics if he could and send them and he did manage a couple of blurry ones.

I didn't see Miki until the next day when she got home after work. She was quiet but we went through our usual routine. I finally broached the topic of how her time was with Dave. She said alright but was reluctant to talk about it. I pulled out my flip phone and showed her the pictures he sent and asked about things she had done etc. She answered in short and to the point responses. Reluctant to get horny about it like I had hoped she would. She finally asked me "aren't you worried?" "About what?" I asked her. "Whether I'll end up liking him?" she answered. I told her "not really." and said if she really wanted to cheat, there wasn't a lot I could do to stop her. And if she ended up liking him I couldn't stop that either even if I was there or not. But I did know her well enough that I knew she would do as I asked. She would fuck who I told her to fuck and that she would come home when I told her to.

She looked at me for a minute or more then called me a "gambler". I told her I can't lose. If she does what I want I get my slut GF, if she goes off with another guy I would know she wasn't worth my trust. I'd kept my word about taking care of her and if she couldn't maintain our relationship, so be it. No point in forcing it. She just looked me in the eyes for a while and then said "I guess you're the boss in this relationship" in a kind of resigned, almost defeated fashion. I nodded, realizing what had just happened, and then pulled her close. I held her in my arms for a bit and then gave her a long deep kiss. I looked in her eyes then tapped her on the top of her head and she sunk to her knees, giving me a slobbery blow job until I pushed her up on the bed pulled her jeans off and mounted her from behind, her cunt sopping wet as I entered and pushed her head into the mattress. Within a few minutes her cunt and thighs quivered from her orgasm so I pulled out and lay there on the bed as she curled up to me. She asked if I was going to cum, I told her "not right now".

From that point on we escalated our play and experiences over several years to include full nude exposure and gangbang in the porno theater. Flashing and molestation play in adult shops, eventually leading to bathroom sex with strangers. Naked night walks in the park with cum dumpster play in the public toilet. And we included more BDSM as we met similar couples online and shared in their play. I collared her probably a little more than a year after that first night alone with Dave. We even did some full on trades with another Dom. He and I exchanged our slaves for a week. We thought it would have been good to do it for a month but Miki could only get a week off from work.

But that first night of me commanding her to service Dave was the real beginning of our Master/slave relationship. I didn't really plan for it. It just kind of happened. As our relationship grew I continued to meet other women and couples, sometimes they met Miki, sometimes not. Many of them were very interested in the lifestyle and helped me explore new boundaries I couldn't always do with Miki. But it was with Miki that I had that real unquestioning obedience and it wasn't just play, it was our relationship.

I'd love to talk more about our adventures, like me bringing her to the mixed public bath to get fucked by all the "uncles" there, or how her *** came into our relationship but I'll save that for another time.

I'll just end off with in the end, about 8 years ago now, I traded her to a Dom we knew who had gotten rid of his slave probably a year before that. I had to go a good ways away to another part of the country for work and she didn't want to live far from her family. Despite the power dynamic we had and the way she had become a good sex processing tool, happy to have shaming words written all over her body and left in a public spot for strangers to use her, I still felt protective over her. So a few days before I moved we ended our contract and they signed another one.

I was fairly compensated. 

Wow this was wild! Thanks so much for sharing! I love learning about other people’s dynamics etc. learned a lot!

No problem. I enjoyed writing it out. I tried to keep it somewhat civil as I'm still getting use to what's acceptable again outside Japan. Although reading through these posts and whatnot I'm getting a better idea.

I love stories like these. I want to write something myself but can never settle on a a good story
Very interesting story. It was amazing learning a bit from this topic in a country that I really love. I will visit Japan one day. Thank you very much for sharing some of your experiences.

Thanks. I'll add more over time and for any of the ok in Japan but maybe not so in other places stories you can message me.

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