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Toys in public


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Yeah you can

Yes it does

And have fuck

Wear sturdy undies
what's the point of having a remote in the first place unless you're out doing public teasing exercises
@mabus69. Someone else controls it I guess, maybe someone 1000s of km away..
It's a lot of fun 😁
There's not really any doe's and don't because no one knows there there unless it's a loud one or you sit down on something hard. I've never had a problem with it being picked up by metal detectors either. I think that one is a lot like when people tell you if you get a piercing you will set them off
The music beat controlled ones are fun. Don't sit on anything hard or others will feel/hear it. Other than that, enjoy!
Í went to a bar and gave my friend the remote to control it while we were there it was fun
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