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Posture Training


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Heather called it The Skeleton; not the most accurately descriptive name but it didn’t take too much imagination to see what she was referring to.  The main tie-in was a rigid bar of metal bent into a spine-shape.  More correctly, into the shape of her spine.

She disrobed and turned her back to the stand that held the contraption in place.  The easy part was bending the four steel restraints around her hips.  Easy because she was starting with the hips, which past experience had taught her worked best.  Each subsequent step would be a little more difficult.  The “corset” for example.  In realty it was just two steel strips that fit around her abdomen, but doing so ***d her back more along the Skeleton’s spine.  There was a groove in the device allowing for vertebrae to nestle into it rather than putting undue pressure on her bones, but the overall effect ***d her to stand straighter than she normally did.

The ”ribcage” ***d her to stand even more straight.  Not a full ribcage, just two curved bars on either side with connecting rods that locked together tightly over her breastbone.  When in place, her upper torso was in a tight cage that ***d her back into a more healthy shape.  When the posture collar was locked about her neck she stood more properly than any finishing school could have taught her.

It was uncomfortable but not ***ful.  It was more comfortable than it had been in the past, which meant it was working.  The first few ties she had worn it the Skeleton it had been ***ful, but only because she had slouched so much as a child.  It was doing its job.

She detached it from its stand so that she could move about the room.  “Good posture is important to a  dominatrix,” she quoted.  “It exudes confidence and gives her an air of control.”

Walking seemed a bit mechanical until she noticed she could move more smoothly balancing on the balls of her feet.  She wished she had brought her boots but did remember having a pair of heels in her locker.  Bending to put them on would be difficult, but if she leaned against a wall she should be able to raise her feet high enough… She raised a thigh, bending her knee until it was just below her breast poking over one of the ribcage bars and was able to get a shoe on.  Standing on one high heel, she had to be more careful putting the other on but did so with no difficulty.

It was surprising how much easier walking in heels was.  Something about walking on her toes made keeping her back straight more natural.  Did she have a whip in her locker? As long as she was locked in perfect posture she might as well practice cracking her whip so she would have a better idea during class.

“Miss Carlson,” A voice rang out before she could return to her locker.

“Head Mistress!” Heather spun and bowed as best she could.

“I would like for you to shadow me for the day,” Head Mistress Raina said as she walked around Heather, examining her.  “I’ve already informed your instructors that you will not be in class.”

“Thank you, Head Mistress.  I am honoured.”  Again, Heather tried to bow.  “Let me get dre-“

“Central Control, override unit 1-7-4.  Sole control to Raina 1.”  Before she could reach her clothes there was a series of computer beeps down the length of her restraints.  “I think that I would prefer you as you are for the day,” Head Mistress Raina told her, and turned to the door.

“As you wish, Head Mistress.”  Heather hustled to fall in step behind.

“Posture training?” Raina finally asked when they were about halfway to her office.

“Yes, Head Mistress.  It is an important part of being a good dominatrix.”

“It is.  And yet, the rest of your class seems to have mastered it.”

“Yes, Head Mistress.”  Heather wasn’t sure what else to say.  “I guess I’m just a late bloomer.”

“Perhaps.”  Then came the uncomfortably long pause which was followed by what was obviously a continuation of the same thought.  “But then we have found that some students enjoy being locked in our posture devices.  It’s like it awakens their inner submission.”

Another awkwardly long pause until Heather felt compelled to fill the silence.  “Yes, Head Mistress,” was all that she could think to say.

“I will be evaluating you as you assist me today.  Determining whether you should continue with your domination training or be reassigned to the slave training program.”

“Yes, Head Mistress.”  Heather said it almost automatically.  Was it a title of respect due to an instructor of Head Mistress Raina’s experience or she just showing blind submissiveness?

“Of course, in certain scenarios a sub is expected to keep proper posture, so either way you may get more opportunities to be locked up as you are.”

“Yes, Head Mistress.”  There was a little enthusiasm mixed in with the response.  Mistress Raina put a mental checkmark in the slave column of her evaluation.

I enjoyed this. And then read your profile….i want to ask you where you’re from just to mess with you 😂😂😂🤭🤭
Seriously…thanks for the read.
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