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Sultry Pissers, A fantasy waiting to come true.


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I've got this fantasy or rather wish I could find :-) that is really getting me going. So I thought that I would just put it out there and see how people respond.

So we're on a date right. You know you're all dolled up to the nines, looking sooo hot. And I take you to a kinky party. So we get pretty comfortable watching people get their kink on. And at some point, I found myself sitting in a nice, sturdy kitchen chair out on the back lawn.

OK so I'm sitting there nicely stoned, my eyes half shut, listening to the girl behind me helping the jents with their toilet and getting quite drenched in the process. And out of no where you come and sit on my lap whispering in my ear that you need to pee. I'm instantly aroused and almost beg you to pass right now, through your clothing.

After a brief delay, the first signs of your clothes getting wet start to appear and running down onto the crotch of my trousers, before filtering through, bringing a wonderful glowing feeling as it ran down my balls. But it's not enough! I want you to piss on my cock, so I tell you to stand up, but don't stop and don't go anywhere. Meanwhile I'm frantically trying to open my trousers so that you can piss on my throbbing dick. I get it done and ask you to come back down. Having your urine running into my pants and down my shaft is a sensation that was worth waiting for and tastes even better.

By the time you finish, several large glasses of wine decide they need to leave my body, post haste. So I stand up and let you sit, then I make to reach for my penis but you are there already and as my stream starts you swallow a large mouthful....
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