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Short story1

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I was dead tired that day. I entered my house and went directly to the shower. I undressed and I couldn't wait for the warm water to touch my skin. Under the shower, it felt like heaven the water washed off all the dirt from the long work day. The only thing missing was him, I wished he was already here.Touching my body. One of his jobs as my slave was to clean me. I love his wet touches under the shower, Massaging my shoulders, squeezing my breasts, caressing my tummy, butt and inner thigh. He is late tonight. After finishing cleaning, I wrapped myself in my towel, dryed my hair and headed to my bedroom. I only wanted to rest my head a second before wearing my pjs, somehow I felt asleep. I didn't hear his footsteps entering the house or the room. But his warm gentle kisses on my feet woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes. He was religiously loving my feet. "where were you, I had to take a shower alone" I said. He looked at me with his blue eyes " I am sorry princess" he followed that with another kiss on my feet. "you look tired, I should have been here earlier to take care of you, anything I can do to make you forgive me" his gentle words always turn me on, I don't know how they work on me or is it his hands touching my feet. All my mind was thinking about is my big toe being sucked by his perfect lips. "maybe you worshipping my feet will energize me and make me feel better, but before come here I want to spit in your mouth. You need to be punished." before finishing my sentence he was already near me waiting with his mouth open eyes closed and if I wasn't mistaken a hard on his penis loved this punishments. I spited in his mouth, he welcomed all my spit gratefully, swallowed, opened his eyes and said" thank you Goddess". And he want back to my feet he loved my feet his eyes sparkled just from looking at them. He lefted them gently and started his worshipping routine.
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