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What 5 non kink things would people be shocked to find out about you.


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What 5 random things would people don't know about bout you. Good or bad. Anything at all. Maybe we can help each other deal with our lists



I will post mine.

1 Im romantic. I love nothing more than to cuddle an watch a film or just lie in bed an cuddle.

2 I always believe im no good for anyone.  ( Im to fat, to disabled and to ugly . i know this is true. Iv been told often enough)

3 I love watching spot popping videos.

4 I love watching anything to do with serial killers.

5 I over think extremely bad.



I too am an over thinker. I'll play 😊

1 - I actually love physical touch. I'm pretty standoffish because of ***, but I actually love physical affection. A lot. Cuddling, all of it.
2 - I'm so much more insecure than many realize. Around everything... Especially looks, but not my cooking.
3 - I love a lot of musicals. Seen one live too.
4 - I was once overweight. Many see me now, and don't realize I was once overweight.
5 - I have an incredibly girly side. Few see it, few would ever know it.
5 minutes ago, kittygotclaws said:

I too am an over thinker. I'll play 😊

1 - I actually love physical touch. I'm pretty standoffish because of ***, but I actually love physical affection. A lot. Cuddling, all of it.
2 - I'm so much more insecure than many realize. Around everything... Especially looks, but not my cooking.
3 - I love a lot of musicals. Seen one live too.
4 - I was once overweight. Many see me now, and don't realize I was once overweight.
5 - I have an incredibly girly side. Few see it, few would ever know it.

I love being touched by people im dating or fwb with. I extremely love holding hands with people when were out sadly no one ever wants to hold my hand.

Love musical saw 42nd st. Most of it was on roller skates.

15 hours ago, Charms said:

What 5 random things would people don't know about bout you. Good or bad. Anything at all.



1. I'm very talented with plants. I have a serious green thumb. My gardens are always lush, varied, and beautiful. 

2. I once conned my way into a job I was never officially hired for by tricking the company into thinking they'd hired me.

3. I ran away from home at 19, put myself through college alone, and built a stable life from nothing.

4. My favorite ***s are spotted hyenas because I love their brutality and social hierarchy.

5. My favorite movie monsters are xenomorphs. My ideal fantasy afterlife (I'm an atheist so thinking about afterlives is more of a game than a serious thing to me) is being reincarnated as a xenomorph queen and destroying a planet. 


Bonus 6: I've been bombed before. No joke. 

1. I have extreme social anxiety, but once im comfortable around people they never can guess I’m anxious around people (so… socially anxious ambivert)
2. I have serious abandonment issues, and I tend to ghost people who manage to worm themselves into the tiny crevices of my heart (working on it!!!)
3. I tend to dress more masculine when at work (rarely ever wear dresses or skirts) because I don’t want to be sexualized for being one of the younger staff with big boobs
4. I shy away from physical touch unless the person touching me is someone I trust
5. I can be extremely snippy, straightforward, and borderline rude when I don’t like something. However, it’s called honesty.
1. Much more shy in real life than I am here.

2. I have spent time in politics, for multiple parties (sometimes in the same election season).

3. I often draw nuclear heel heat in my hometown, but can be pretty affable elsewhere. (This is semi-related to the above point 2.)

4. If the terminology above did not pull back the curtain, I am a fan of professional wrestling. (Totally cried at the end of WrestleMania 40.)

5. I have scaled back my caffeine addiction in recent years, but frequently obscure this fact (in order to maintain a sort of personal mystique).
1. I dislike physical touch unless it is from someone I trust.
2. I have extreme social anxiety. Once I get to know the people in the group I open up more.
3. I over think everything. (Even this post)
4. I only have rescues as pets.
5. I never wear jewelry but I have lots.

1. I have social anxiety and hate being in places with more than five people. I also dislike being touched, even by someone I know well. It takes a lot of time and work for someone to overcome this barrier I've put up.
2. I'm hopelessly introverted, never got over this trait because I'm also deeply insecure, but I hide it quite well.
3. I'm way more romantic and passionate about relationships than I should be, given my history.
4. Many times, I dumb down what I need to say so people (men) feel less threatened by me professionally. That has worked quite well throughout my career.
5. My biggest inner dream is to be able to depend on someone. I'm a self-made woman, very strong and independent, but I would love if, at some point in the past, I could have put my life in someone's hands and trusted that they would take good care of it

Well, funny and interesting thread... let's join the crew with some random facts about me as well. Keep in mind I have a job where I usually tend to keep a neutral and professional presence:

1. I'm autistic and hate walking on tile joints, but no one ever knows. This can be quite tricky...

2. Super fast and beatdown heavy Metal calms me in contrast to most other people. You see me sitting somewhere relaxed and nodding my head a little? You can be sure hell is let loose on those headphones.

3. I have koumpounophobia and no idea, where it comes from. Buttons are simply disgusting 😆 Noone knows this in my everyday life.

4. Since my form of autism is a little rare, people are shocked when they meet me in person and figure it out. Seems to be absolutely mindblowing for them, that autistic people are not all the same case and have differences 😆

5. I'm in the top 10 worldwide in the biggest pinball-simulator out there. Never intended to, yet there I am 😆
1. I have chronically bad bad self esteem honestly. I feel like I'm not attractive and not the easiest to get along with.
2. I'm a diehard Las Vegas raiders fan. Silver and black
1) I used to run a pretty successful non profit in South Sudan back in the early 90’s
2) I’ve made tight tight friendships with Sudanese freedom fighters, or at least that’s how they presented themselves. I soon found “freedom fighter” and “warlord” can be synonymous when viewed in the harsh daylight
3) I betrayed the children who loved me. The children who looked to my foundation for love and support. My boys and girls. There little Sudanese smiles. Their joy. Their hopes. Their dreams. I sold them all to help what I thought was a better future for Sudan.
4) I trained, cared for, and lead South Sudans only child fighting ***. Those children were my own and every youthful soul lost was a *** in my own heart. We fought like hell and ultimately won, but at what cost? Only little Ouathu was the only one left. Only he got to see the fruits of our toil and trouble and *** and suffering. And he would see a lot more every day for the rest of his life. Every time he closed his eyes
5)I don’t like chocolate ice cream! Weird I know.

@SirSix i love chocolate and chocolate ice cream. But i can not drink anything chocolate


Confession time it appears, very well.... I'll play.

1. Constant anxiety and low self esteem generated from years of childhood ***. Crave touch and love and trust but the wounds inside are still red, raw and dripping, they never healed.

2. 3 near death experiences, certainly took away the suicidal thoughts, to fight for life. The dark poetry is self therapy, it lets the demons out.

3. So shy, it's a curse.  

4. Over think everything, get lost in the *** it generates , self criticism, loathing and disgust.

5. High technology freak, analysis expert, so much knowledge yet so much ***. Confusius was right: All life is suffering.

7 hours ago, FatFreddy said:

Confession time it appears, very well.... I'll play.

1. Constant anxiety and low self esteem generated from years of childhood ***. Crave touch and love and trust but the wounds inside are still red, raw and dripping, they never healed.

2. 3 near death experiences, certainly took away the suicidal thoughts, to fight for life. The dark poetry is self therapy, it lets the demons out.

3. So shy, it's a curse.  

4. Over think everything, get lost in the *** it generates , self criticism, loathing and disgust.

5. High technology freak, analysis expert, so much knowledge yet so much ***. Confusius was right: All life is suffering.

I am so extremely sorry you have suffered so much .


I hate over thinking. I do it alot and it hurts so bad. I *** myself alot. Im not around much as iv got a family loss and im spending time with family. But i will listen to u if u ned a chat. 

7 hours ago, FatFreddy said:

Confession time it appears, very well.... I'll play.

1. Constant anxiety and low self esteem generated from years of childhood ***. Crave touch and love and trust but the wounds inside are still red, raw and dripping, they never healed.

2. 3 near death experiences, certainly took away the suicidal thoughts, to fight for life. The dark poetry is self therapy, it lets the demons out.

3. So shy, it's a curse.  

4. Over think everything, get lost in the *** it generates , self criticism, loathing and disgust.

5. High technology freak, analysis expert, so much knowledge yet so much ***. Confusius was right: All life is suffering.

I totally relate to a lot of those feelings. Lifetime of *** and trauma for me too. So I deal with a lot of the similar. 

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