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Kinks and Identity?

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This is a simple discussion and one I have stewed on for some time, I was curious how for people on their day to day life how much do you see your life out of the bedroom reflecting a bit of your sexual proclivities?

I for one know that due to not really having a great support system growing up when learning about my own gender and sexual identity one of the first things I ever came across was feminization (Not in the reductive nature you see often, but in a way that truly venerates women). And as I have grown older I have come to understand that while my exploration of femininity isn't exclusively sexual and has a major home in my day to day, it still plays a major roles in the dynamics I am fond of with my partners as well.

So what about you all, any sort of reflection you see if you everyday self in your bedroom? Or do you allow the bedroom as a space to inverse your day to day? No wrong answers and just a place for discussion!
I'm a Switch. My everyday life requires me to delegate tasks to others but my primary objective is to care for others. I carry over my frustration of everyday tasks into the bedroom in which I don't submit to unworthy Dom and find it more difficult to submit to women in particular a fade between my up bringing (hate my mother) and the career I chose is mostly women. Also to that note I was raised by a military man so I definitely see where I submit and follow orders to satisfy my Dom well. I'm not sure if I fully answered but I hope you find what you are looking for
Ĵe's been a gynarchic submissive for several years after taking a long time to come to terms with my condition. I've always been attracted to dominant women. With experience I realize that I may be more of a slave. I've developed the kink of objectification.
Currently I'm single so it doesn't overlap for me. I'm submissive in the bedroom only. I'd like a D/s relationship but again the dynamic would stay at home/in it's role. Day to day in a managerial role and consider myself an Alpha Submissive. I like having my escape w a partner. Only time it carries over is when there are impact marks that I can still feel throughout the day 😏

I'm not saying there's never any overlap - but folk often make misplaced assumption (that, for example - having a leadership role in work automatically makes them a good Dominant; that being a good Dominant automatically makes them good for leadership places - or whatever other argument people are trying to shoehorn)

I guess one thing about within bedroom or D/s relationship versus wider life.  You might be a Dominant, but the whole world isn't your sub. You might be a sub, but the whole world isn't your Dominant.

This doesn't mean, of course, any values you have within kink shouldn't be applied outside of it.  Cos otherwise that's performative. 

I’m dominant in real life, but a bratty sub/service sub in the bedroom. I have a high stress job, and being able to let that go of that stress/not make decisions is the***utic for me. One Dom is only in the bedroom. The other Dom (the one I’m bratty with) is a 24/7. The brattiness allows me to feel like I still have some control while allowing my submissive side out in small bursts throughout the day. I’m collared and wear a day collar 24/7 even to work. I love touching it while I’m at work. It reminds me of my Dom, and the dirty things we’ve done while I wear it.
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