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Identity and delusions


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Alrighty so first post I make in this Community and I'm having a little difficulties with just knowing where to post this thread since I would like to hear both opinion and perspective on matters, even personal experiences

So recently I've had a few discussions with a few close friends of mine and it has come up on several occasions that I look and sometimes act like a twink, something I'm not aware is the case or think that I try to achieve 🤔
My personal experience with this is that I'm trying to reach a more "dandy"-esq style and mannerism but I'm starting to question myself and if that is my "identity", I've always have had a difficult time finding me and whom I am which leads me to think, "are they right? Is there some truth to what they are saying?"

Personally I'm trying not to let others define whom I am since only I can truly do that but this uncertainty is something that have been on my mind for a while

So my question to you folks is, does it sound like I'm delusional or is this a general case of gaslighting myself 😅

Also would love to hear opinions and stories from those that might have experience similar things, though don't feel ***d to share!
You want to define the real you. Great. Dandyesque. Cool; like a non-dystopian, socially-acceptable Alex in Clockwork, say? Double cool.
Pardon my tangential meander; it shoukd pay off

I've been thinking a lot about Western society. It is the best shit ever. That is the western world in my mind. The one I kind of grew up thinking was there. Because it was there, in my mind. It was something to strive for, it was a goal, it was. It was an ideal based on a certain amount of assumptions -primarily the importance of the individual above the family, the family above the community, the community above the city, the city above the state the state above the federal government. It was driven toward, by everyone in that society.

The trick is, it has rules. Many of the more unwritten. One of the rights that you had was that you could be anyone you want to be. That right was predicated on the knowledge that you had to follow the rules. After the summer of love we considered these rules to be one; Don't fuck with anyone else's shit.

Lately, don't fuck with anyone else's shit has come to mean; do what I want in any public space in any way I feel like it and try to encourage others to do that before they know all the rules. Actually, make sure they don't know the rules first.

So people who might kind of lean a little bit gay or encouraged to be a little more trans. True trans people -who actually exists and are a very very small portion of this world- are going to be dealt true disservice by this late development in our culture. But I digress...

But nobody understands that doing whatever you want IS hurting other people. Look at the internet. It started off as a beautiful and pristine thing but you just add more and more people in it and it's always going to adjust downward towards the lowest common denominator. And so too society.

One guy wants to be a little more foppish. Because of our present culture all his friends think he looks really twinky. The problem with this society right now - this culture- is that our Twinky friend it's going to have to get a little more Dystopian Alex during the pendulum swing backwards.

You are merely a dandy man but a man nonetheless.

My recommendation is to incorporate a cane in your repertoire. The handle is probably best made of brass. Clearly, you don't want to crack any skulls with it -*** is rarely the answer- but you might want to remind friends of just how glorious your dandy cane really is.

Try a knee.
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