I enjoy giving out spankings, impact play, verbal and creative punishments
But I'm also a bit of a softy so once we're done let's grab a blanket and cuddle. Even better if it's somewhere we can lay and watch the clouds / stars.
I sit across many D-types. So for the little girls wanting a Daddy I can do that, for the Brats who think they can outsmart and outsass me I can handle that, For the masochists, let's play and if you need someone to laugh at you and degrade you I am very good at that.
I am an asker of deep questions.
The non kink side of me: I am a sarcastic smart mouthed gremlin masquerading as an adult.
I am learning Japanese, Disney, enjoy pro wrestling, football, reading, history lover, going to the gym so I can eat all the tasty snacks and music. Music is my life. My happy place is at a gig or at a rock club where I stomp and growl around. I enjoy expanding my knowledge of the world and clever conversations will always win my affection.
If this sounds fun, or you just want to chat. Message me. I will always try and reply.
People that can't hold a conversation about the world
*** Play
It is. I think partly because there is a still a prevalence of male in the scene and the women can have their pick. Also there's still a lot of shitty people using kink as a hide for ***