Again, I wanna thank everybody for thoughts and suggestions . I’ve taken a bunch of your guys suggestions. I’ve made an appointment for therapy to help me get through what I’ve been. And I’m gonna take time a long time to find out who I am and gained friends down that path. I think I’m gonna enjoy Read more… my walk around my new path and my new chapter of my life and meet new people. I think I’m enjoying my life right now in finding who I am and letting the parts of me heal.
I just wanna thank everybody for giving me support. And I am looking. I’m not looking for one right away as I’m still learning more about myself day by day and getting to know the people. I think I know what I want and what I’m looking for to.
You've run into what I nicknamed a knuckle drager. No cuth and assumes because you are on FET you can be treated like trash. That gives the rest of us freaky fellows a bad reputation. Hey, MandyPandi
You've run into what I nicknamed a knuckle drager. No cuth and assumes because you are on FET you can be treated like trash. That gives the rest of us freaky fellows a bad reputation.