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Personal details

Gender Non-binary
Age 45
Status Single
Height 181cm
Weight 67kg
Body shape Slim
Eye colour Other
Hair colour Black
Hair length Middle
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Mixed race
Origin USA
Body hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Leo

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icon-wio Militantly_Marginal has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 31.05.2021 5:10:48
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icon-wio Militantly_Marginal wrote something in the forum
  • 05.05.2021 20:11:37
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Pubic Hair

I'm 90% positive the answers are going to be a mixture.
There's no one size fits all, amigx.

LikeMaster50, Nylon-Nellie · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Militantly_Marginal posted a status update
  • 04.05.2021 17:19:24
  • Non-binary (45)
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“Straight” and “non-binary”? What gives?

Well, I didn't make these categories and I certainly did not choose which to include and which to exclude.

Settler-colonialists did this. Yeah, that means (mostly) white folks. If you're confused as to how someone can “be” “non-binary” and “straight” -- Read more… or at least manages to SQUEEZE themselves into such an “inconsistent” label -- you can thank Eurocentric chauvinism and group-think.

(Thats a nice way of saying you can thank settler ignorance.)

I'm a Xicanx of Yaqui and Afro-Caribbean descent. I am also light skinned and grey-eyed. Most assume incorrectly that I am white. My mother is of Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, and physically I take more after my mom than my dark-skinned, black-eyed “Pardo” father.

Culturally, though, I take after my father -- born and raised under the Sonoran Desert Sun, along with the Yaqui (Yoeme), the Navajo, the Hopi, the Apache, the Nahua, the Suri, the Tohono O’odham, and other indigenous Peoples -- which rightly includes mixed race descendants of these Original Peoples. (Regardless of ***-quantum, so long as there is a true and sustained cultural affiliation -- such as the Chicano culture that permeates all of the American Southwest (really, the Mexican Northwest, thank you very much.))

Taking after my father culturally meant that I eventually had to come to terms with the European love of destroying other cultures and lifeways. It meant addressing the horrible mistreatment of my Red and Black Ancestors at the hands of my White Ancestors. I am NOT the type to avoid or shy away from uncomfortable conversations and conclusions.

Yes, I've had rough convos with my mother regarding cultural differences and misunderstandings.

Please note: Being “Native” is not a race thing -- it is a cultural thing. That is the meaning behind the phrase, “kill the Indian to save the man”: the goal of Anerikkka has always been to “de-indianize” the Red Man, making a Red European. And that is why there are also 100% “Black” Indians, and 100% “white” Indians. And that is also why there are also coconuts: culturally white People of Color. But I digress...

Gender “norms” are only “norms” for settlers and their culturally chauvinistic descendants. The two-gender rule of those so heavily influenced by white cultural bias does not apply to Native Americans or Africans. We believe we came from an entirely non- and/or multi-gendered “creatrix” who does not see women as derived from men (the way Eve was created from Adam’s rib). If anything, we are more inclined to say men were derived from women -- if there was a gendered source at all. (Which aligns with biology better than the settler’s Adam and Eve model, since we know in the womb we ALL start as biologically “female”, and we all come out of our mothers, not our fathers).

So when I am flipping through the various configurations of gender and sexual orientations that the latest “woke” white person has formulated lovingly for “us all”, I am always ***d to use white language to describe something intrinsically non-white: I'm “third-gendered”, and that that has little bearing on my sexual preferences.

And third-gendered doesn't even cut it. Still, white language, white paradigms. We have our own words to describe what has popularly been termed “two-spirit(ed)” people. And we don't have a term for “transgender” -- genders weren't something to be transcended, nor were they really questioned. Genders we're only related to roles and responsibilities, and while often the physiology of a person may dictate what occupation the person was “fit” for, sometimes this did not apply, and this is where we see “women” choosing to be warriors and “men” choosing to be weavers.

And the interesting thing is that these “gender-nonconformists” we're not ridiculed or demonized by their Bands, Clans, Barrios, or Tribes, but were always cherished and revered, more often than not becoming leaders and masters of their chosen trades. Though normally considered “women’s work”, the best baskets were often woven by “woman-men”, and though considered “men’s work”, the greatest war-makers were often “man-women”.

As for the sexual preferences of “two-spirited” People, this is complicated again by Eurocentric thinking. While “gender-nonconforming” may imply certain sexual preferences among settlers and their descendants, this is not the case within Indigenous communities. Gender for the Indigenous is about social roles, not necessarily sexuality. Of course there is crossover, but the bottom line is that among Indigenous People, it is not only possible to be “straight” and to have exclusively same-sex relationships, but it is also possible to be a woman-man who only finds “feminine atteibutes” sexually appetizing.

So, if I set your gaydar off, just remember that it's calibrated only for Eurocentric views. I may be physically male, but I don't identify as male nor do I have much love for men in general -- and that's not self-hate, cuz I'm not a man.

Confused still, or even more? Deal with it, settler.
icon-wio Militantly_Marginal has uploaded new photos
  • 01.05.2021 19:40:03
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icon-wio Militantly_Marginal is in an open relationship
  • 26.04.2021 23:06:59
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  • 26.04.2021 23:01:38
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icon-wio Militantly_Marginal has uploaded new photos
  • 26.04.2021 22:58:46
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  • 26.04.2021 22:54:35
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