Looking for friends and being part of the community. not looking for hook ups, very happy with my partner. If you really think id be interested in you, how about you message my partner and ask him, im sure he will hear you out. If you message me ill just ignore you, only looking for friends.
Desires and Fantasies
Don't think it's suitable to put here as I'm not looking for a partner and that's private to me and my better half.
Your photo looks welcoming, good choice.
I'm switch and I find im quite fluid, some days i lean towards more dom and sub others. But I can also switch in the middle of play with the fella, we tend to duke it out. He physically ***s me to submit or i get his head into knots and he submits. Dont feel like u have to stick to a role for a set Read more… time, be urself.
I good dom will never push a hard no, unfortunately there are ones who will push and I've experienced it. Very lucky to have a very caring partner who is very good at keeping to our hard nos and my needs. Trust me when you meet someone who keeps to their word and your agreements you will see what Read more… is happening now is unacceptable. Trust me when I say that you will find better.