My family of origin was formally and officially heterosexual, but dad was promiscuously gay before he met mom, and mom never dated after their divorce because she always preferred the company of gay men. I, on the other hand, felt that I was born to be heterosexual, and I hungered for the authentic heterosexuality that was absent from my family culture. Anisogamy (male domination) is an ethical aspiration for me, but for my submissive it is a discipline, and I the one who administers it. Her job is to submit, and mine is to be worthy of her submission.
I am an eclectic reader with an insatiable appetite for knowledge. There is no culture, no language, no sect in any part of the world that doesn’t interest me. Gender is more significant to me than it is to most people today. I believe that most women are naturally inclined to submit to men, but due to a lack of men worthy of their submission they reconcile themselves to a more dominant role. I consider anisogamy to be more of a norm than a kink, since it is how most of the world’s people live and have lived throughout history. I don’t judge the values of the rest of the world by how well they correspond to the values of the society I happen to live in.
And finally, in the interest of correcting any false impression E.L. James has given the world about how affluent we doms are, let me hasten to point out that my standard of living is bohemian, my dwelling is a single-room apartment, and I don’t own a car. So I fall short of Christian Grey in that area.
Desires and Fantasies
A submissive woman is a woman who has chosen to give a man dominion over her body. She knows that in the course of their relationship she must accept both pleasure and at his hands. Whenever he informs her of his intention to inflict suffering on her she lowers her eyes and accepts her fate. She does not seek a reason why she must suffer, for the fact that he wills it is reason enough for her. And she embraces the , even if she doesn’t enjoy it, because her heart overflows with devotion to him and she finds joy in proving how sincere her devotion is.
You like weird sexual analogies? Here’s one from The Wisdom of Solomon: “A man who uses *** to achieve justice is like a eunuch trying to seduce a girl.” So justice is like male potency, and *** is like male impotence. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that the Latin word “testis” Read more… (plural “testes”) can mean either “witness” or “male gonad”.
Has anyone seen the ads for the “Thundershirt”? It’s like a corset for your dog. You put it on him so he won’t freak out when it thunders. I think the experience of being bound affords a similar comfort for some humans.