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41 minutes ago, QXX666 said:

Yeah obviously, hence your original question. I just can’t imagine a Master using that kind of filter or any tbh. But it’s your profile. Are you a sub or Dom?? 

I’m a master. With a daddy side to me.

1 hour ago, QXX666 said:

I never said a Dom shouldn’t be emotional. We are talking about vulnerability!!
Being *** is being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. so nothing about it show strength! Why a sub would trust a Dom who can’t protect himself in the first place. She chose him for protecting her, supporting her and make a grow during the dynamic. She doesn’t want a man calling her crying because he got some issues 😂

No we're talking about "emotional vulnerability" which is putting yourself out there, intentionally or unintentionally. Showing a part of yourself that you may feel sensitive about, exposing something that makes you feel seen by others.
Regardless, even by your definition (which I believe came from Google as it reads exactly the same) or the one I've given above (again from Googling) - it's arguable that putting yourself out there and being prepared to be attacked is quite the opposite of weakness and shows a degree of strength.
And to take your point one step further, if a dominant makes himself *** in order to protect another person, surely that shows strength not weakness?
Think there's a lot of misinterpretation of the meanings of *** and emotionally *** going on, and of course it comes down to individual context, but in a general sense I personally don't see it as a weakness regardless of which side of the slash you sit.
As I said earlier I'd choose a dominant that is in touch with their emotions and able to make themselves *** through them than one who is a cold automaton incapable of expressing their emotions and vulnerabilities for *** of being seen as "lesser" somehow


Trust and connection are a two direction thing. We're discussing being open and *** with our submissives, NOT to everything and everyone at large. If you can't or won't be open and authentic with your sub you sure as hell shouldn't be expecting the same in return. 

Taking issue with someone having a filter on their profile pic and using that as a measure for if they can be a Dominant or not is absolutely ridiculous. OP that comment really didn't deserve your response. There can be just as many variations in Dominant styles as there are in personalities. Someone can totally be a class clown, goofy personality and be a Dom(me) I know of many. Many subs wouldn't be happy at all with a Dominant who's dry and serious all the time. It gets boring for some. Just as many Dominants actually enjoy a certain level of brat. Different options for different people. I'd be bored to tears with a sub who didn't have at least a certain level of playful cheek to them. Just because someone's style isn't for you, it doesn't mean it's not the next person's must-have. 

Some people still have a fair amount of work to do in the area of emotional intelligence and maturity here. 

5 hours ago, QXX666 said:

I never said a Dom shouldn’t be emotional. We are talking about vulnerability!!
Being *** is being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. so nothing about it show strength! Why a sub would trust a Dom who can’t protect himself in the first place. She chose him for protecting her, supporting her and make a grow during the dynamic. She doesn’t want a man calling her crying because he got some issues 😂

She chooses a Dom she has a connection with and if you read some of the responses from subs you would see that they want to see that a Dom can be ***, it helps deepen the connection and fulfill them when they can help there Dom out of the darkness.... So you think only subs should show vulnerability. It does show strength in who they are by opening themselves up to the sub they create a stronger bond. The Dom/Domme is not just there to protect themselves or the sub, it a dynamic and yes even Doms need help protecting themselves. I will tell you from experience being *** has strengthened my dynamic way more than hurt it...

So when your parent, child, best friend, dog, cat anything you are attached to dies, go ahead and try hiding that from your sub...and if you can then you never felt safe with them in the first place. Dom need to feel safe too..

And again why does the Dom have to be a man... still very 50s thinking..grow up. And open your mind..

Id love to know how a filter on someones profile pic, could show that a person isnt dominant…
2 hours ago, potter420 said:
Id love to know how a filter on someones profile pic, could show that a person isnt dominant…

Same here. I did it with my little I had at the time

I’d like to thank everyone who has spoken on this topic. Still feel free to comment more on it
  • 3 weeks later...
June 21, Long-steel said:
Beo just cause you show some weakness does not mean your weak and if your sub does not respects you afterwards and she's not a real sub

I agree, i would also go as far as saying a dom(me) who refuses to show any emotional vulnerability is also a fake dom

If anything, your sub will respect you more if you can show emotions and weaknesses, unless they're a shitty sub

I think in general a big issues especially for men is the *** of showing emotions (weakness) to others.

however that in itself is a weakness, since you denie yourself something primal which is emotion like ***, sadness and so on.

I have been in therapy for 3 years and it helped me a lot to mature and see to deal and treat myself in a much better way.

I am also a Dom but I am also very passionate and my sub loves it.

So no beeeing vulnerabile will make you only human which is good

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