
Find androgyny attractive?

For kinksters into androgyny

While not really a kink, the androgynous look is one that many people find attractive. It's not always necessarily associated with people who are genderqueer or non-binary, though it certainly can be for some people: the term refers to a look that combines aspects of different genders and may well be difficult to pin down. Some people feel most comfortable when dressed this way, while others are primarily attracted to those who look at least a little androgynous; either way, it's an aesthetic choice rather than one that denotes gender identity or sexual orientation. Enjoy your style, explore your preferences and have fun being you!

What is androgyny?

A combination of masculine and feminine features, often used to describe people who do not look like they’re a certain gender. These people are mysterious and often challenge gender stereotypes.

Is bisexuality androgynous?

They aren’t one and the same but often they go hand in hand. Someone’s sexuality isn’t the same as the way the decide to look. You can never assume anything from just looking at a person, that’s where trouble lies!

Do you have to be thin to be androgynous?

No, although many of the famous androgynous people in the media are very thin, people of all shapes and sizes can be androgynous. It’s all about being neutral. When you’re bigger it’s harder to hide female or masculine features but it can and does happen. Use of clothing can make a difference too. Someone may look androgynous whilst clothed but then it becomes more obvious what their gender is if they’re naked. Mind you, never assume! Genitals don’t define gender either.

Is gender fluid the same as androgynous?

Not necessarily, gender fluidity means a person can identify as male or female of neither and androgyny is about having features that are both feminine and masculine. So you could be gender fluid and androgynous or one or the other.

Keywords related to Androgyny


Similar to Androgyny

There's a common misconception that the word 'bisexual' means 'someone who is attracted to the two binary genders', but this isn't really the case; generally, the word means (and is used to mean) 'attracted to people of my gender and people not of my gender'. As such, it can have broadly the same meaning as 'pansexual' - and the two terms are increasingly often used interchangeably by people to whom both can apply. Whichever you prefer, it's absolutely vital to remember that bisexuals aren't on the fence, waiting to choose or 50/50 - they're simply capable of being attracted to people of all and any genders.
Like all of the words people use to describe their identities, different people use the term 'lesbian' in different ways -but it's pretty much universal that lesbians identify as women, and have relationships only with other people who also do. Lesbians are, therefore 'monosexual', which means 'attracted to only one gender'. Not all women who are only attracted to women describe themselves as being lesbians, though - some prefer to use 'gay', 'queer' or other terms, for either personal or political reasons. It's always a good idea to ask someone how they self-identify before assuming, no matter how obvious you think they're supposed identity is.
Traditionally, the term 'gay' refers to people who identify as men who date, sleep with and love only other people who also identify as men. Over the years, however, more and more people on the LGBT+ spectrum came to identify with the term; people of many gender identities and sexual orientations sometimes use it to describe themselves now. The controversy surrounding gayness has mostly to do with the fact that cis gay men are seen and portrayed very differently to many other LGBT+ people - and often wind up as the recipients of a huge amount of the acceptance, understanding, attention and publicity afforded to this group as a whole.