BDSM & Kink Test

Have you ever wondered, ’what are my kinks?’ Take our BDSM kink test and get the full facts about your fetishes and kinky personality. Are you a rigger or rope bunny? A sadist or masochist? A mistress/master or slave? You may already know if you’re more dom or sub, but our kink test explores your full BDSM archetype!

Start the BDSM test

Consider our kinky quiz your beginner’s guide to BDSM. But even if you’re a pro, you may be surprised what this sex survey reveals: our fetish quiz lets you really dive deep into your kinks, revealing your complete BDSM personality.

You can even share your BDSM test results within our FET community, giving you the chance to match and connect with other kinksters. You can thank us – or rather, spank us – later!

Start the BDSM test


Unleash Your True Self!

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Why should you take our BDSM test? 

Understanding yourself is essential when venturing into the world of kink, especially if you’re new to the scene. So, before diving in head-first all whips, ropes, and chains, it’s worth figuring out what kink things turn you on – the rest can wait. Our BDSM test is a fun and easy way for you to discover your kinky preferences. By knowing more about what kind of fetishes and kinks you have, the easier it will be to find kinky pals and play partners that you'll match with.

What will I learn from the kinky BDSM quiz results?

Firstly, you'll discover what role you most closely identify with through a series of questions and scenarios that you can take in your own time. Some questions within our BDSM test may not apply to you, and these can be skipped (but will help influence your BDSM quiz results). While our fetish test helps you better understand your interests, it's important to remember that you know yourself better than any online test, so don't let it constrict you. Who knows? You may even discover something completely unexpected in your BDSM test results!

How accurate are the BDSM test results?

This depends on how honestly you answer the questions in the sex survey. The kink community is incredibly varied, and BDSM terms have different meanings for different people. Think of our BDSM quiz as a guide that helps uncover more about yourself and assists your kinky journey. Remember, no BDSM test is definitive.

I took the kink quiz some time ago. Should I retake my BDSM test?

Absolutely! Kink and BDSM are very dynamic, and everyone’s tastes and preferences change over time – especially the more we get involved in the scene. You could find that your BDSM test results may have changed significantly on retaking the quiz at a different point in time. It's a great idea to revisit the test when you can.