Bondage Stocks

Discover more about using bondage stocks in BDSM

For kinksters into bondage stocks, humiliation and confinement

Much of BDSM is psychological, and there's an undeniable appeal to the stereotypes of ye olde worlde corporal punishment. Bondage stocks are inherently a tool of both humiliation and confinement - two of the most important components of many people's kinks. While you won't find them in many town squares these days, they're available in the playspaces of many kink clubs and can be bought from a wide range of specialised sex toy stores. They can also be made relatively straightforwardly DIY style with some carved wood and a sturdy hinge, though for obvious reasons it's important to make sure you've sanded your wood as thoroughly as possible!

 What are bondage stocks?

Bondage stocks are made of wood and are used to restrain the neck and wrists at the same time. When attached to the ground, they’re known as a pillory. Some stocks are designed to restrain the ankles, like a spreader bar too.

How do you use bondage stocks?

A submissive is fastened into the wooden device that closes to encircle their wrists and neck. They are then restrained and unable to use their hands.

Why use bondage stocks?

Bondage stocks are especially suitable for humiliation play as well as immobilisation play. A person is completely at the mercy of the other people around them when fastened into stocks. Fantastic for role play and slave auctions. Elements of sploshing can come into play too if you pelt the person in the stocks with well-ripened fruit like would have happened in mediaeval times.

Where can you find bondage stocks?

Many BDSM clubs and dungeons have bondage stocks. They are a staple piece of equipment for fetish and kink play. They can also be made quite easily if you have a little bit of DIY skill and knowledge of woodworking but be sure to sand and varnish your finished piece.

Cover image: Emma Wylde. Flickr Creative Commons License.

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