Male (52) Single
I want you to really look at yourself and the life you have lived all these years. Are you truly happy or have you been missing something meaningful? There is a reason you opened my ad. It may be simply boredom or curiosity. It may also be that you have finally realized that a Dom is what you really need in your life. I have owned singles and much more. I have shown women and men things about themselves that have shocked them to their core. Many people live a life in a daze without realizing who they really are deep down. Do you want to explore a life were you are owned by a Dom? Now I could go on but I think you are getting the point. If my ad interests you reply back and tell me about yourself. Also do ask all the questions you like. D/s is not just sexual but very mental, so anyone who simply is after your body is not real. If you want the real deal in all its complexity reply to my ad.