THIS handsome healthy, educated, well traveled and experienced sub male is desperatrely seeking its future home at the feet of its future Master - trainer -owner and keeper, it was kept last as a slave 43 months in erxtreme conditions as a sex slave and work labourer, it cannot readjust to normall life and does not wish to either. it seeks a return to a position in which it was important, special, had duties and tasks to perform and had procedure and work to do followed by the reward of being given the chance to enjoy worshippings its Masters and Owners Manhood. am well conditioned, indoctrinated , perhaps brainwashed some may say as why would someone willingly crawl back into a cell built to house it where it was locked up until the following day, it will never say no, it will never argue or debate or do anything that is disobedient, it has been thru alot and it truly believes its best purpose in life in which it is most important and valuable is when it is naked and crawling while it is collared and leashed, its ass cleaned out and butt plugged and it feels proud to know it has a special status and rank of slave and it is the one rewarded with the privelege of worshipping its mastsers manhood. it CAN RELOCATE AND DOES NOT NEED TO MAINTAIN REGULAR CONTACT OUTSIDE OF THOSE WHOM THE MASTER DECIDES TO ALLOW IT CONTACT. it is not used to social medica or using a phone or computer it does not require outside distractions it is a skilled worker and will dedicate itself completely and almost mindlessly to its new master. promise.

NSA18 to 80 years ● 500km around Canada Winnipeg

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