Male (38) Not single
Have ticks that lose clicks. 've self imposed manias shrouded by social norms. Might be suffering from shit's i've done, i haven't done or shit i'm about to do.
Am what they call an ambivert. 'm the fun jinx in the mix, simultaneously the stern mute at the bar. My mind's either on overdrive or passed out from shit exhaustion.
Love writing, watching stuff, anything that rhymes, and trying new things.
'm honest about who I am, the good, the bad, and sometimes the very ugly and expect the same in return. Consent, communication and respect are required.
'm a decent sweet talker with a vulgar choice of words. I'll play and tease with words to get laughs out of this mindlessness.
Have friends that switch places when trigerred. So go get lucky and keep guessing. The voices make me to like things that move quickly.