As an amateur gynecologist with a knack for DEZ orgasms. I could help others find these DEZs, as well as the anatomy of where to find them and what to do when you do find DEZs.

DEZ amniotomy
The G-spot is located. 2-3 inches up the front (anterior) vaginal wall. This is where the female squirt is triggered and the easiest DEZ to find. With just some stimulation, the G-spot will swell to have 4 or 5 horizontal lines or ridges that can be felt. With a locked arm and two middle fingers in and up with a minute or two of hard vigorous jerks, squirt can be taught. This is not the first place I would start; squirt is wet but not slippery. Once learned it is almost a cheat code.

I recommend first the clit, and then the A-spot, the A-spot is located past the G-spot on the anterior fornix erogenous zone or AFE zone is located between the front vaginal wall four to six inches in and past the G-spot and around the cervix, Again about four to six inches inside the vagina. 15% of women can have an A-spot orgasm. The A-spot is pink area and looks and feels like cotton candy. I do a windshield wiper move, which produces a lot of natural lubrication. In fact, I changed my Yoni massage to move this stimulation and increased the length of this step in my Yoni massage because 5-10 minutes of A-spot massage might lead to a deep orgasm, but all the following orgasms will be deeper and more fulfilling.

The Cervix is the third deep erogenous zone or DEZ. The cervix can become very pleasurable after the A-spot has started the excitement. Cervix Orgasms are deeply felt and strong, but all DEZ orgasms are better in conjunction with clitoral orgasms. I found either tapping or circling the cervix works best. A vibrator is not needed on either of the A-spot or Cervix. Some ladies do like a vibrator on one or the other or both or neither and this is subject to change. Speaking of change, all DEZ locations can shift around slightly. When a DEZ orgasm happens, the pelvic floor will try to push everything out. Usually, the first orgasm is so intense that my fingers and toys are pushed out. Expect a 10-15 second reset with practice. Subsiquential orgasms, fingers, and toys can fight for prolonged orgasms.

The back side of the cervix or posterior (the rectum can be felt through the wall) area is also called the A-spot, but it only feels good or great after the anterior side of the A-spot and Cervix are stimulated to orgasm. If you can reach all the way around the cervix in a broader and deeper circle and this is well received, go ahead. Otherwise, move back to the G-spot, A-spot, and Cervix but always with the Clitorial stimulation. Many times I religate the sub to hit her clit with my pin vibrator that is very focused. She can blindly hit her clit without looking, so of course, that is better.

Last is the K-spot. It is 2-3 inches in the vagina but on the anal side (posterior). It can be stimulated from either the vagina or anus and, of course, both. I think this area might be equivalent to the male prostate because of the location. I would not spend a lot of time on the K-spot from the vagina side.

Outside around the urethra is the U-spot. I have a pinpoint vibrator, and when I give it to my subs to hit their clit while I'm stimulating the DEZ. Then they are hitting multiple orgasms they all move from the clit to the U-spot.

Squirt and Different Female Cum
The squirt that is seen in porno is often fake, but sometimes a vigorous squirt is real. I have been shot in the face like a water blaster. The G-spot stimulation will trigger a feeling like needing to . Even though you just d. If you relax and feel comfortable, let the orgasm happen with vigorous g-spot stimulation. A squirt will often occur. This fluid is clear, has testosterone and PSA (prostate-specific antigen), and comes out of the urethra. This squirt is not slippery, it feels slippery like water. I prefer the slippery white cum. Post menopause, ladies who had certain types of hysterectomy sometimes can no longer squirt but can still produce the white cum. I think most can with time, trust, and losing that bashfulness that comes with the feeling of .

Pussy liquids other than squirt I have seen. The white cum is my favorite, it comes from the skene's glands, and I like it because this is very slippery. It is more likely to ooze and come out of the two holes or Skens's glans on each side of the urethra. Actually, seeing white cum come out of the Skens's glans is rare. Usually, it just appears on my fingers and is better seen on blue or green gloves or a black dildo. I'm reasonably sure this milky white fluid is similar in compound to a man's cum. The A-spot stimulation helps produce this lubricant. Some subs produce more white cum when something is new and exciting. I have also seen real Grool happen when something new happens and feels good. Grool is a clear liquid that I have witnessed to hang or drip out of the pussy for longer than 12 inches. Grool is the rarest of all pussy lubricants. Fake Grool comes from a gel, I assume Nuru gel. I once flogged a sub for her first time, and she started to drip an inch; as I flogged her, the Grool length increased to three inches, six inches, and more flogging, it hung to 12 plus inches. Eventually, it finally swung over and hit her thigh.

Orgasm Research
Back in 1965, Masters and Johnson's research found multiple orgasmic women. But they also found orgasms that last longer. These long orgasms they named or called Status Orgasmus. Women can all be trained to have multiple orgasms and also longer Status Orgasmus orgasms. In hours of online reading, I found a PhD and MD in Turkey with some papers on the subject. He reported one lady had 134 orgasms in one hour. I have play partners, and some can count and remember her orgasms when I tell her to. She can achieve close to 20 orgasms in 3-4 multiple orgasms back-to-back sessions with short 15-30 second breaks. I see first hand these multiple orgasms morph into extended Status Orgasmus orgasms, and one orgasm extends to 2-3 minutes. Another play partner is much more of a wet squirter in her orgasms, but she gets lost and can't count them. I do not have an assistant, and both hands are busy. Counting orgasms is not the goal, but I do like the research side of things, and counting orgasms is a reliable benchmark to track progress.

Clicker Counter: it is hard for a sub to count orgasms while having pleasure. Not that numbers matter, but numbers do matter when I'm doing Orgasm research. Amazon has 2 for $8. – Sting-ATL
I gave the squirter a mechanical clicker counter to keep up with her tally, with me reminding her to click; she can also hit 20 orgasms in one session and also hit Status Orgasmus and hold it for minutes. I don't see how the Turkish researcher hit 134 orgasms in one hour. It seems a bit cruel and exhausting. With practice, I like hitting 5-6 orgasms and waiting for a reset and 5-6 more, and this is usually ten max per hour and twenty max per day. Here is my diagram of different types of orgasms as I understand things today.

I use the BDSM version of a colposcope, which is a dildo with a camera and 6 LED lights to explore your DEZ areas here.

Very affordable Colposcope with a vibrator with five vibration modes. The camera is available in 3-megapixel choices; this was the largest, and all three models have six lights. The app store's Bluetooth software is called GoslingQQ. The Colposcope, vibrator, and software were easy to use and work. I think this product is only available on eBay. Shipping was slow. Next time i will do some medical play and use a speculum to open things up more for this. I included a look at the back of my mouth and my uvula. Again, all pink inside. Medical grade digital Colposcopes start at $400, and full stand-mounted optical Colposcopes are $3000 to $5000. This was $89 but start at $59 for cameras with fewer megapixels. – Sting-ATL
To truly appreciate the different DEZ areas in a journey of exploration, you can see and feel the G-spot's ridges. See the A-spot, which looks like cotton candy and just pink everywhere, but you will feel that isolated area. I will show you the beautiful cervix's round mound and the little hole in the middle. With the colposcope, we will go in and out and hit different DEZ orgasms.

12 Colposcope Photos, I have videos of the Colposcope exploring a pretty pink pussy, but I noticed I did not have any photos. I will add another close-up of the G-spot and another close-up picture of the cervix. The rest is primarily pink with a few creases and folds and is hard to differentiate. I think I have a movie with a speculum and the colposcope that might show more. – Sting-ATL

I also have the Loiness Smart Dildo with AI; this can automatically turn on when a temperature of 97F or higher is detected, and it measures the pelvic floor contractions and maps the frequency (I think) of intensity. I can highlight orgasms after a session and can then anonymously send our session video (no voice is recorded) to Lioness for a more significant study with 1000s of users where AI can find trends and different types and detect other types of orgasms.

The details page of the Lioness Smart Vibrator session is attached. You can see pelvic floor stringth, hot spots and vibrator s
d. But add notes as soon as possible while the memory is fresh. Tags come in handy. I've only had it for a short time. 110gF is the highest recorded so far. It can also be used live, which might be a better coaching tool. – Sting-ATL

Here are three sessions with the Lioness Smart Vibrator. This is the summary page. There is a more detailed page that shows pelvic floor strength, hot spots, and vibrator s***d. – Sting-ATL
If you search Amazon for "Pen Vibrator," you will see a dental-looking tool with three tips for clitoral pleasure. These are "high frequency," but not like the Tesla electric wand. This vibrates at 15,000 per minute. I highly recommend these pen vibrators.
I just got the Erosslitor2 and will give you my findings when I have more data.

The "Clit Sucker Clit Licker" can also be seen in some of my videos, I have been told it will suck a woman's soul out.

As you can see, I love to examine vaginas with blue or green latex gloves where the white cum is visible. So, if you are open to a gynecology visit with Dr Sting or maybe my ongoing orgasm research, which I hope is exciting and enjoyable with Professor Sting, so if you live close by, please reach out.

Kinky Date40 to 69 years ● 200km around USA Atlanta

My different forms of pussy play or maybe it is pussy worship.

I'll put it into six bullet points:

  1. DEZ or deep erogenous zones starts with a colposcope or my camera on a dildo to show you your 4 DEZ and how each one feels and discover which you like the best and the best order to massage them. One you start orgasming, I will keep giving vaginal orgasms but will add clitoris orgasms and the combination orgasms are my true goal.
  2. Orgasm Research is where I give multiple orgasms in a ***d way, where like a mild form of CNC you can't stop me from giving you more orgasms and training you to have longer orgasms called Status Orgasmus. I have had to stop due to hyperventilating and will lookout for safety or medical issues.
  3. Medical play is where I will vacuum pump your clit, then pump inner labia and then outer lips to be puffy and swollen. At this point, I will give your swollen, sensitive pussy multiple orgasms. Then inserting a speculum and give more orgasms with a full sensation. This is in stirrups and not bondage.
  4. My Yoni massage has 30 steps and takes about an hour. These are the important things to understand before the massage. You have no need to feel rushed, or act (fake an orgasm) or feel any pressure. Just feel my hands making you feel good. Get out of your head. Solf music, no lyrics, red or blue lighting for soothing, and relaxing experience.
  5. Orgasm Control, making sub ask for every Orgasm. 75% of the time is Yes. 10% is is count to 5 or 10 then ask again for a yes. 10% it is ask nicely, and you must say "Mr Sting, my i please Orgasm". 5% or less I will ruin an orgasm. Edging falls under this category. I'm not really into making a sub not masterbate when not with me. I think female masterbation is very healthy and should be encouraged to a point. I have a clicker counter, subs have a hard time counting above five with me.
  6. Teaching to Squirt, not all women can squirt but but I have a lot of successful subs squirt for the first time with my training. I do not to this in a *d gimmick way but with, building trust and some time and my pelvic floor muscle coaching and a bit of specific squirt training. This isn't a single scene but a longer D/s training.

    My favorite munches:**

    • Peach Munch - in Peachtree Corners, my munch I started & run.

    • SAM or Sugarloaf Area Munch meets monthly in Duluth

    • Kennesaw Kinskters meets monthly near Maietta Square

    • HOT Hothouse Slosh meets monthly at a Brewery in Lawrenceville

    • Trivia Munch meets weekly in Sugar Hill

    • AASS or Atlanta Area Spanking Society, meets monthly in Dunwoody

    • Cobb Munch meets monthly in Kennesaw

      Sometimes I go to these:

    • Alpharetta Munch meets monthly

    • DAM or Decatur Area Munch meets monthly

    • N.A.K.E.D. educational Munch meets monthly in Woodstock

    • Alternative Woodstock Area Munch meets monthly

    • Hiram Munch meets monthly

    • Gwinnett Munch meets in Duluth bi-weekly or twice monthly.

      There are more in the Greater Atlanta Area, out further. Just ask me.

      I'm putting 500km, but remember you must travel to these munches.
      If you ask nicely, I can also help you find munches in your area.

Kinky Date21 to 65 years ● 500km around USA Atlanta

Hi, my name is Eric Wolfsbane. I'm a 55 year old SWM 5'-6" with a large body. I have green eyes and brown hair. I currently live in NYC. I've been involved in the BDSM scene since 1990.

I have come to understand that I need to be in a serious preferably long term relationship with a sane woman who enjoys the role of disciplinarian but wants to interact with me as a person rather than just a body. I want a real relationship which domestic discipline is an important part, but not the whole relationship. I'm looking for a serious relationship with a sane woman enjoys being a disciplinarian but wants to interact with me as a person rather than just a body. I'm interested in being someone's significant other not their slave. I am not a slave. I am not a servant. I am not particularly submissive, people in this confuse obsequiousness and sycophancy with submissiveness anyway. I just enjoy being with a dominant woman who enjoys being the disciplinarian in domestic discipline relationship and administers it like she means it, not like it's a game.

First off, I have a medical condition, fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropathy and arthritis, which limits how I can play and what I can do. I have difficulty playing standing up and I have a lowered tolerance. I don't mind some and deserve to be punished when I'm bad, but I'm not a stoic either. I need a dominant who understands that it does hurt a lot and that I'll need bondage and a gag in order to take much of a beating. I believe that binding and gagging is an important part of the ritual of domestic discipline.

Personally, I prefer dominants who have the imagination to come up more interesting things to do than just beating for no reason. While I need a strict woman who is not timid about meting out deserved punishment it's when it's called for it's not for play. Beatings are for punishment not play.

For play I'm into cbt, dildo play, hot wax. sexual harassment, sharp fingernails, electro , being bound, gagged and blindfolded and tied down. I also enjoy being smacked[as in not on the head], as opposed to slapped, around. When I'm comfortable with a woman and the relationship I'm willing to engage in oral servitude. I'm open minded and are willing to try new things. I'm not into , cross dressing or verbal ***, [teasing is ok] Nor am I into cuckoldry. If you're not honorable enough to be faithful then you're not someone who I'd consider trustworthy enough to be a dominant to me.

I'm seeking a single dominant woman who enjoys the role of an uncompromising disciplinarian and believes that a man never outgrows the need for corporal punishment and that it's the role of a significant other to administer it when needed.

She will determine the seriousness of any transgressions I may commit and will employ traditional modes of discipline such as paddles, hairbrushes, straps, canes, birches or simply smacking me around as she deems appropriate for correction. Single tails are okay as long as they're used skillfully and intelligently. When I'm not being punished I expect her to be a warm, affectionate sexually aggressive down to earth lady with a sense of humor who's my best friend, lover and life partner. She should be an educated, intelligent, soft spoken, genteel lady whom I can respect and who understands that through that respect she earns her right to judge my behavior and apply discipline.

I prefer dominant women who are aggressive, both sexually and dominantly. I like a woman who'll grab me by the scruff of the neck and make me do what she wants when I'm difficult. I like a woman who's not afraid to touch me. So many dominants only seem to see submissive men as pieces of meat that they can beat on. I looking for a woman who wants to do B&D 'with' me, as opposed to 'to' me. If I sound like someone you'd be interested in interacting with for mutual enjoyment, please contact me.

BDSM Play Partner5km around USA Brooklyn

Hi, my name is Eric Wolfsbane. I'm a 53 year old SWM 5'-6" with a large body. I have green eyes and brown hair. I currently live in NYC. I've been involved in the BDSM scene since 1990.

I have come to understand that I need to be in a serious preferably long term relationship with a sane woman who enjoys the role of disciplinarian but wants to interact with me as a person rather than just a body. I want a real relationship which domestic discipline is an important part, but not the whole relationship. I'm looking for a serious relationship with a sane woman enjoys being a disciplinarian but wants to interact with me as a person rather than just a body. I'm interested in being someone's significant other not their slave. I am not a slave. I am not a servant. I am not particularly submissive, people in this confuse obsequiousness and sycophancy with submissiveness anyway. I just enjoy being with a dominant woman who enjoys being the disciplinarian in domestic discipline relationship and administers it like she means it, not like it's a game.

First off, I have a medical condition, fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropathy and arthritis, which limits how I can play and what I can do. I have difficulty playing standing up and I have a lowered tolerance. I don't mind some and deserve to be punished when I'm bad, but I'm not a stoic either. I need a dominant who understands that it does hurt a lot and that I'll need bondage and a gag in order to take much of a beating. I believe that binding and gagging is an important part of the ritual of domestic discipline.

Personally, I prefer dominants who have the imagination to come up more interesting things to do than just beating for no reason. While I need a strict woman who is not timid about meting out deserved punishment it's when it's called for it's not for play. Beatings are for punishment not play.

For play I'm into cbt, dildo play, hot wax. sexual harassment, sharp fingernails, electro , being bound, gagged and blindfolded and tied down. I also enjoy being smacked[as in not on the head], as opposed to slapped, around. When I'm comfortable with a woman and the relationship I'm willing to engage in oral servitude. I'm open minded and are willing to try new things. I'm not into , cross dressing or verbal ***, [teasing is ok] Nor am I into cuckoldry. If you're not honorable enough to be faithful then you're not someone who I'd consider trustworthy enough to be a dominant to me.

I'm seeking a single dominant woman who enjoys the role of an uncompromising disciplinarian and believes that a man never outgrows the need for corporal punishment and that it's the role of a significant other to administer it when needed.

She will determine the seriousness of any transgressions I may commit and will employ traditional modes of discipline such as paddles, hairbrushes, straps, canes, birches or simply smacking me around as she deems appropriate for correction. Single tails are okay as long as they're used skillfully and intelligently. When I'm not being punished I expect her to be a warm, affectionate sexually aggressive down to earth lady with a sense of humor who's my best friend, lover and life partner. She should be an educated, intelligent, soft spoken, genteel lady whom I can respect and who understands that through that respect she earns her right to judge my behavior and apply discipline.

I prefer dominant women who are aggressive, both sexually and dominantly. I like a woman who'll grab me by the scruff of the neck and make me do what she wants when I'm difficult. I like a woman who's not afraid to touch me. So many dominants only seem to see submissive men as pieces of meat that they can beat on. I looking for a woman who wants to do B&D 'with' me, as opposed to 'to' me. If I sound like someone you'd be interested in interacting with for mutual enjoyment, please contact me.

BDSM Play Partner5km around USA Brooklyn

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