Wanna play my Flirty, Nerdy, and just a little dirty game?
head over to patreon dot com forward-slash kinkytrivia
The game will launch Jan 1st and each monthly game will end at 8pm the last day of the month, at which time I'll draw a name from the people who played and someone will win our AMAZING PRIZE BOX!!! This month's theme is "Ouch! that's gonna sting!" and is full of stingy BDSM toys!!
message me to find out when our live games are!!!
The live games bring people together for nerdy fun, community support, and of course bragging rights if you win!
For the live games everyone plays in teams and you can win a super cool button!!

The goal of kinky trivia is to bring the kink community together in a fun, silly, and educational forum.
Currently we are hosting monthly trivia games with focused sexual education topics to promote enthusiastic consent, education, as well as a sense of community. Being in the south this is a constant uphill struggle... since our sexual education program is abstinence only and *** based.
Of course, we also throw in some super nerdy trivia and silliness in the game… cause hey, that’s sexy to me!
It is our opinion that the more comfortable we become with talking about sex, sexuality, enthusiastic consent, and healthy relationships the more we will actually talk about it
Removing the taboo from the subject is the 1st step in seeing real change

…We hope to bring a positive sexual education discussion to the table so that the conversations can start to change.

Have questions? email me at kinkytrivia at gmail dot com

Munch Buddy18 to 100 years USA, Graham one year ago

So . . . the first meeting starts out based on your experience. Most importantly, we’ll go over safety. In particular, safety words or if you’re gagged, safety gestures that when used, I will know to immediately untie you because something is wrong. In all my years of bondage, I’ve only had a safety word used twice and both times was because the sub forgot to use the bathroom and had to pee (no kidding). We’ll go over your hard-limits or things you absolutely don’t want to do. I’ll go over exactly what type of position and scenario we’re going to do before we do it. I’ll answer any questions prior to play-time – there are seriously, no stupid questions. That will be about as serious as it will get the whole night – the point is to enjoy the experience and have fun.
Now play-time will start. As I said, it is based on the sub's (your) experience level. We will for sure do a straight tie (literally, you are tied while laying straight down on the bed or floor). Depending on how you do with that, we’ll go to a spread eagle (four limbs tied to the four corners of the bed). From there we would go to . . . there has got to be some surprise positions (I can’t tell you everything up front :).
When tied-up in any position, you will be secure. That is, you won’t be able to get out of the tie. Most ties will be uncomfortable, but absolutely nothing will be ful. You won’t be in any one position for more than 15 or so minutes (I don’t want your hands or feet to fall asleep). While you are tied and only if you’re interested, I can make you orgasm. There are a few different ways this could happen – vibrator, my fingers, or my cock. If this is something you’re interested in (about 99% of my subs are), I would suggest starting with a vibrator. Being tied down and not being able to move is a new experience for some. Unless you’ve done it before, it is best to do it for the first time with something that can be removed quickly. I also have a butt-plug that I use (it stays in while you’re tied). BTW, all my bondage gear is new for each sub – I don’t reuse vibrators or butt-plugs . . . yuck.
Speaking of equipment, I have the following items or toys that I regularly use: ropes (soft, but very strong), plastic tape, duct tape, medical tape (all mostly for covering talkative sub’s mouths), ball-gag, o-ring gag, dental gag, penis gag, bit gag, leather straps (for bondage, not spanking), hoods, blindfolds, hogtie cross tie, wrists-to-neck restraint, straight jacket, saran wrap, ace bandage wrap, vet wrap, leather paddle (for spanking), leather flogger (also for spanking), steel (real) handcuffs, shackles (real, wrists to ankles), zip ties, and nipple clamps. And “yes”, I bring it all with me. After years and years of experience, I’ve learned to pack pretty well.
As I said, I like scenarios or role-playing – Damsel-In-Distress, cosplay (wearing a sexy costume), kidnapping (“sneaking” into the room while the sub is “sleeping” and FAKE chloroforming then tying-up the sub – you need to be good at acting (just kidding). Most women love the loss of control and
ness that role-playing offers - even if it's just temporary, they get to do stuff they’d never do otherwise – even if it’s super cheesy :). Or we could save the scenarios for later if everything goes well.
I’ll bet you’re thinking, “well that’s great, I don’t have to bring anything but myself”. Not so fast, baby-girl. I do have some clothing requirements that you will wear. You don’t have to wear them when we first meet (although that would be extra points :), you can, obviously, change into them later. You will bring the following items: black thigh-highs (stay-up on their own type), black, bikini panties with the full bottom (thongs are ok, but I prefer the full bottoms) and I like silky (preferably not cotton or lace). The bra needs to be black but doesn’t need to match (in style) the panties. The clothing requirements aren’t negotiable.
Also, I know this is a lot to take in. I’ve done this a lot, but about half the women I’ve met have very little or no experience with bondage. When we meet, you are welcome to take a pic of my driver’s license and send it to someone for safety reasons – I don’t kid around when it comes to safety – I have to be comfortable with the people I meet also. If that isn’t enough, to make a sub feel safe and more comfortable, I’ve suggested they bring a friend or two (only females, obviously and whomever you bring needs to be of like attractiveness as you) with them. Their friend(s) can either watch or participate. About 75% of the women I suggest this to, bring a friend or two with them. None of those just watched. Usually (if not right at the beginning), the friend(s) want to participate after seeing their you tied-up. True story – about 6 months ago I went to Columbia, SC to meet someone and suggested they bring a friend or friends because they felt a bit nervous. So . . . I met her and her 5 friends, “yes, 5 friends” at a restaurant for dinner before going to the hotel. When we got to the hotel all 6 wanted to be tied-up, first separately then they asked me to think of a creative way to tie them up in pairs. It was funny and very stimulating to watch all 6 of them squirming around while drooling through gags. At first, I didn’t think I could do 6, but it worked . . . and worked well. Three of them still call me every once in a while for play-times. I’m not telling you to bring 5 friends (although you can). All I’m saying is if you’re going to bring anyone, please let me know as it effects how much gear I bring. And, you don’t have to bring anyone – I can satisfy you and tie you up very effectively with or without a friend – it’s whatever you prefer. BTW, if you do bring someone, they will wear the same clothing requirements as you.
Lastly, and I want to this to be very clear, you are in-charge (throughout the whole session). You can say “stop” or you don’t want to use a certain toy or you don’t want to be tied in a certain way and it’s done. Likewise, you can say “more” and tell me what position you want to try and we’ll do that. I want you to have fun and enjoy yourself – the reason is because when you do, you will call back and we can do it again :)! Sorry this was so long – what questions do you have?

Kinky Date21 to 50 years ● 300km around USA, Macon 5 years ago

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  • Similar to toys

    A baby Girl / baby Boy is often known by the gender neutral term, little. A little is a type of submissive who embraces a childlike state. This can manifest in many ways including curiosity, a love of play, carrying a soft toy and dressing in clothes associated with being young. They can also use items such as pacifiers and diapers, but these are optional. Not all littles see themselves as being that young. Littles are submissives who need a great deal of nurturing and care from the Dominant who looks after them. Their Dominants are usually known as Daddies and Mummies. Littles will engage in activities which are associated with childhood. These include colouring in colouring books, doodling, blowing bubbles, playing games like tag or snakes and ladders. On the face of things, it seems a little takes more looking after than other submissives. It may be that they expect and need more support, time and nurture but their submission runs deep. Little’s relationships to their Daddy Dom or Mommy Domme are very intense. There is a great dedication from the little to their Dominants. They have a lot of submission to give. Littles can be bratty especially if this is a way they can earn fun punishments that they want. Littles, like all submissives, crave control. They may want very precise rules and will go out of their way to push the boundaries and test their Dominants. Littles often enjoy mixing BDSM gear such as cuffs, ropes and collars with pretty lacy dresses or dungarees. The contrast of innocent and not so innocent makes them happy.
    Dominants like to be in control. Unlike BDSM tops or sadists, their need is not particularly to inflict pain but to be domineering and have control over another person. Some Doms/Dommes expect to be obeyed immediately and without questions. Others enjoy being tested, and having to show their dominance over the submissive who’s being bratty. There is no one way to be a Dominant. Dom/Dommes can also be sadists, tops, masters or riggers. Dominant is a huge category of BDSM made up of many very different people who all have one thing in common, their need to be in control. The D in the term BDSM stands for Dominance, therefore Dominants are an instrumental part of BDSM. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

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