FFM Threesome

Get into a FFM threesome

Live out your FFM threesome fantasies

When someone describes a threesome as being 'FFM', they're usually indicating that it involved two people who identify as women and one who identifies as a man. This is a common fantasy for a lot of bisexual women, a lot of straight men and a lot of other people besides!

Featuring in lots of porn, this is a fantasy that people love to revisit time and time again. If you want to make your FFM threesome dreams come true, you’re in the right place. There’s lots of kinksters on fetish.com looking for threesome fun, chat about it on the forums or start a personal ad to make your fantasy reality.

What is an FFM threesome?

A FFM threesome is a sexual encounter between a male identifying person and two femme identifying people.

How do I arrange an FFM threesome?

Arranging a FFM threesome is probably something you’d have to do face to face. You might be able to arrange this kind of sexual encounter at your local swingers club but you’ll probably need to visit a few times before you’ll get the threesome you want. Otherwise, you can talk to your kinky friends about what you want to do and see if any of them want to help you with it. There needs to be open discussion and regular consent check ins to make sure everyone is happy.

How do I convince my partner to have an FFM threesome?

If your partner doesn’t want a threesome then you should respect their wishes. Convincing someone to do something they’ve previously said no is coercion and not a good thing at all. However, if your partner is undecided, you should have a conversation about it. List pluses and minuses and work out if it’s what you really want

Are FFM threesomes safe?

If you make sure you follow safe sex practices, including wearing a condom, then it’s as safe as any other sexual act.

Threads and discussions that include: FFM Threesome

  • Threesome/Foursomes, What to expect.

    For those of you who have had MFM/FFM threesomes and/or couple foursomes, give the inexperienced a bit of what to expect of them. Like, how'd you set up, during and after. ...
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  • Hello I am new to the lifestyle and am trying the male sub role for the first time and Want to find out all about femdom. I was wondering if all female doms require financial tributes and gifts? If so ...
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  • Male feet/ Male Foot Fetish

    Anyone in here like male feet and/or have a male foot fetish? ...
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  • Members looking for: FFM Threesome

    Keywords related to FFM Threesome

    Keywords: male, threesome

    Similar to FFM Threesome

    When someone describes a threesome as being 'MMF', it’s an indication that two of the people involved identify as male and one is female. It is a common sexual fantasy for all kinds of people and features in all kinds of porn. Threesomes offer all kinds of opportunities for BDSM fun. You can have two tops dominating one bottom or one top with two submissives. It adds a little extra to the fun you could have just as a couple. Often established couples invite a third person into their scene but threesomes but it doesn’t always have to be the way. You can do it any way you like, if you fancy bringing a threesome fantasy to life, give it a go!
    Probably the single topic most often raised in the magazine's agony column is threesomes. Whether they're your hottest fantasy, your weekly reality or something that you reckon would turn you right off, they're big news - and they certainly have plenty of fans! The trick to finding a threesome is not to force it - these things happen naturally, and you're unlikely to be able to engineer a situation with a stranger or online that works out to your satisfaction. The trick to enjoying one, on the other hand, is to make sure everyone's feeling included and to try and spend roughly as much time 'giving' as you spend 'getting'. This is a good rule of thumb no matter what kind of sex you're having, but when there's more than one other person involved it can be hugely beneficial to give it some conscious thought!
    Threesomes aren't the be all and end all of more-than-two sex, foursomes and moresomes are also common in some fetish clubs and sex-positive social circles, and sex involving four or more people is often referred to as 'group sex'. There's more than one form of group sex - there's the gangbang, for example, where a group of people are all focused on one individual, and there's the orgy, which is more of a free-for-all. People of all and any sexualities and gender identities can enjoy group sex in the right context, and it's a great way to live out some of your deeper and darker fantasies. Safer sex is even more important in group situations than it is in most others, as there's a far higher chance of picking up something you didn't want when you have more partners at once. You should also have consent negotiations before, during and after--it's vital to make sure that everyone is happy, comfortable and on the same page.