Off highway ca. 178 coming out of Mount Mesa, towards Isabella, if you look out at the lake you'll notice the sexiest little church stage (not currently ever used) just nestled in tumble weeds and dry grass awaiting the amazing unveiling of such a glorious piece of boards slapped together creating something even sexier than my *** in laws tits... because I quickly realized how much a lonely, isolated, beat up stage could lift spirits; if a church stage could help churchgoers feel the holy Ghost, couldn't that same well placed worn down structure call upon all of the sexually frustrated people and sexual dynamics yet to be defined..individuals who want to talk to others about the real challenge of being a deviant,satist, slave or other titles should come over and share. Just 10 of us out there and it'll echo with those inner desires and fantasies that really are what Brought us all here to start. NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT 11:00 PM bring your partner, lover and most importantly, some words with passion,desires, and our determination to make our community that much stronger.