
For a cracking good time

Whips - a great tool for kinky BDSM play

In the words of the immortal Rihanna, "sticks and stones may break my bones - but chains and whips excite me". Whipping isn't quite as common a BDSM practice as the uninitiated might imagine (whips are unwieldy implements and difficult to use well; crops, canes, paddles and floggers are all far more usual) but it definitely has its fans. Bullwhips are occasionally to be seen in fetish clubs, and masochists who enjoy sharp sting-type pains are likely to have fun at the end of them. Enjoy the cracking noise when you hear it--it's a sign that you're breaking the sound barrier!

What is a whip?

Also known as singletails because they have just one end, they are long and flexible and give a lot of concentrated pain for the person on the receiving end. They are wielded quickly and leave marks quickly and easily.

What is the best whip for beginners?

It takes a lot of time and patience to learn to use a whip. As you need to learn the specific skill of how to crack and aim them. They are very dangerous and so it’s very important to practice a lot before hitting anyone. Any beginner needs to pick a whip they are comfortable with, generally a shorter whip is easier to wield than a long one.

How do you use a whip safely?

Be sure you have plenty of room and that no one is standing in your way who doesn’t want to be hit. Make sure to aim carefully, as a stray whip strike can be very painful and dangerous. Make sure to change the cracker after every person you play with, to minimise risk of infection etc.

Your bottom needs to have a safeword so they can stop proceedings if it gets too much, a whipping is very intense indeed. The bottom also needs to stand very still, so that they aren’t whipped in the wrong place by accident.

Do all whips look like Indiana Jones’s?

No, many do but some are made from paracord not leather. Others have different ends, such as dragontail whips that have a diamond shape flap on the end instead of a cracker. There are lots of different sizes and styles too, Indy’s long bull whip is only one kind of many.

Threads and discussions that include: Whips

  • Short whips.!

    Looking for a short whip with replaceable cracker.... Any ideas? Cx ...
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  • Hi, where can I buy extremely painful paddles, whips and floggers? ...
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  • Members looking for: Whips

    Update 20/02/2025 .. with respect...

    Seeking a master's apprentice to share my many years of lust and kinky power.

    I am an exhionist with a very well kept body for my given age. Any age if you have strong desires to learn, play and share your sub slut character. I’m a mature daddy style quirky man looking for some kinky fun with power play. I am a sensualist who enjoys the power of a submissive fun or a friendship. I would like to find some respectful people, friend, friends who are open to playing on desire or occasionally or whenever desires overpower our passion, floggers, whips, paddles, wax, pegging etc.

    My love language is firm touch, exhibionism, voyeurism, I love cuddling, passionate kissing, vanilla making out, being touched, feeling and felt up and passionately groped, do you ?? Guess I am sometimes a soft to medium dom who will seek your limits when requested or personally tested.

    I have a small toy and bondage play studio in my home to make fetish play more boldly exciting, relaxed, open and creative, also massage table for making a body talk. Seeking somebody NOT afraid of their own desires, is sex and body positive, mindfulness living for the day, moment, now and here and now and wishes to learn about themselves for their future body positive journey and pleasure ... age is irrelevant.

    I am seeking a friend for all our call, not afraid of their own desires, is sex and body positive, mindfulness living for the day, moment, now and here and now, Are you aware that every woman is a rebel, and usually in wild revolt against herself and her bold open desires.

    Huge smiles, big hugs & bold spanks.

    BDSM Play Partner35 to 99 years ● 75km around Australia Ringwood North

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