Threads and discussions that include: bdsm public play

  • Is age a factor in who you'll play with?

    As an older guy, I wonder if age is a factor in play partner selection for both ladies and gents? My wife is 19yrs my junior so clearly it's not an issue for me but what do you all think? ...
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  • Sensual play

    Sensual play with a restrained partner. I wonder if you experienced folk could give some advice to someone new to the scene. I have found a partner (a lady) who I would like to explore mo ...
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  • Qual o roleplay mais desejado ou que foi mais prazeroso com vocês? (Pessoas adeptas da amamentação adulta/mazofilia, como vocês fazem um roleplay com a mulher sendo sub?) ...
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  • Similar to bdsm public play

    People who enjoy letting out their inner animal instincts are known as primal. Some primals have a naturally submissive side and so they are known as primal prey. Primal prey enjoy being chased. They won’t necessarily just roll over and let the Dominant have their way though, Prey like to fight back. Prey are primal meaning they enjoy acting on baser instincts. Instead of complying with the rules of polite society they act only on their instincts. Some prey take on specific animal traits. Some become like wolves or foxes. They might be sea creature like or a big cat. They might identify with a gorilla. Other prey take aspects from all different kinds of animals or even just baser human instincts. Although submissive in nature, prey are primal meaning they do a lot of fighting. This is often sexual in nature but can just be about power exchange too. Biting, scratching, hair pulling and all kinds of punching and kicking can be employed by a cornered prey. Primal play has no particular rules and can be very unpredictable. Prey will fight on and on, until they are beaten into submission.
    A brat is a submissive who tries very hard to be good but their mischievous nature means they often don’t quite hit the mark. Brats are often naughty but in a playful way. They’re not trying to rebel, they just enjoy encouraging their Dom to take them in hand. Brats like having rules but mostly so they can be broken. They don’t seek out serious and strict Doms because in their heart of hearts they know they’ll never be totally tamed. They’re cheeky and mischievous and love to wind up their top. They are submissive with a fiery core. They try really hard to be good but sometimes being naughty is its own reward. Being naughty gives the brat meaning, it is very much the heart of their dynamic. They will take every opportunity to play up, giving their Dom a challenge and providing extra excitement for themselves. They never know how a top will react to their acts of brattishness, also known as bratting, so they’re kept on their toes. Brats are joyful in all they do, loving their Doms and showing respect but always with the odd moment of naughtiness because that’s what they enjoy the most.
    Experimentalists are really eager to try out new things. They are incredibly curious and ask lots and lots of questions. They want to find out all they can about all kinds of kinks and fetishes before having a go themselves. They're always up for trying something different and are going to be interested in what you want to do, as their curiosity and openness mean they’re very rarely judgemental. New ideas are what keep the experimentalist happy. Reading about things and asking questions about certain scenes or activities is where most experimentalists start but once they have a grip on an idea they want to give it a go themselves. It’s very important for an experimentalist to get all the safety information before jumping into trying out an activity themselves. Their eagerness can lead them into dangerous situations for experimentalists need to be reined in sometimes for their own safety.