Have you ever walked into a BDSM shop and lost it over the toy prices? There’s nothing like finding a fantastic toy and then realising it’s insanely expensive. Fear not, our writer Sienna Saint-Cyr shares her tips for homemade sex toys for BDSM.

Viva BDSM homemade sex toys

I hadn’t thought about making my own BDSM sex toys until I went to a play party where a pet was ordered to explain how he’s in charge of making all their sex toys. Which meant he made all the toys that got used on him! His owner pulled out their latest paddle (plastic with holes) and let me try it out. Not only was I impressed, but I also felt sorry for the poor guy. That sex toy stung!


“There are a few ways to play with orgasm and cum control. One way is that one partner is touching another and they keep slowing down when their partner is close to orgasm.” After that, my husband and I went to the local hardware store and looked around for ideas to make our own homemade sex toys. We found dowels that worked just as well as the $50 canes we’d found earlier in the day. We also went to the craft store and found decorative paddles used for mini boat oars, and they worked well for spanking. So we came home with several wood items, some sandpaper and stain and we got to work creating our own homemade BDSM toys.


A wooden cutting board can become a homemade sex toy
A wooden cutting board could be turned into a homemade sex toy.

Homemade BDSM toys and buildup

Do-it-yourself projects aren’t just fun; they can also make for a significant buildup. The pet I’d spoken to had shared how making his BDSM sex toy was part of his rules as a submissive pet. He’d said sometimes his assignments took weeks to complete. With each new aspect of the toy in the making, he got to drop and squirm and be turned on.

Anticipation means excellent buildup, and making each of the homemade BDSM toys and knowing it’s going to be used on your ass is hot! I now know because I’ve been instructed to do this very thing myself now.


Working together on something you'll both enjoy later is the best form of foreplay. Whether my task is to sand down a paddle, burn designs into it, then stain it, or tie Paracord together for my very own flogger. Designing homemade sex toys makes me happy and saves money.

Making homemade BDSM toys is one of my favourite pursuits, no matter from whom that instruction comes. And it’s a fantastic way for me to think about my likes and dislikes with BDSM sex toys. As a Domme, instructing my submissive to make her device of torture is just as exciting for me. I love messing with my sub’s head! What Dominant doesn’t?


Homemade sex toys and affordability

No matter your reasoning, making your own sex toys is a great way to do kink on a budget. There are even workshops on building homemade BDSM toys, both online and at local clubs. And making homemade sex toys as part of an assignment as a sub, even better! So enjoy your creations, and keep your eyes open. There are items to be used as toys lurking in every hardware, craft, and even cooking store!

Sienna Saint-Cyr writes erotica and blogs about kink, poly, body image, and most things relating. 


What homemade sex toys have you tried out? Do you want to know more about homemade BDSM toys? Let us know by commenting below or in the Fetish.com forum.

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Images: via Shutterstock.com


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