Erotic hypnosis (or sexual hypnosis) is becoming a widespread practice within d/s relationships as a form of play and power exchange. So, if you've ever wondered about erotic hypnosis, how it works and what to expect, writer May More discusses its appeal with sex blogger, Deviant Succubus. Are you ready to be mesmerized?

While I'm happy to give up control of my body, I draw the line at my mind. However, erotic hypnosis has always intrigued me. The person undergoing erotic hypnosis can experience hypnosis orgasm when entering 'theta' brain frequency - simply by the power of suggestion. 

Years ago, I studied Physiological Psychology and learned about brain patterns. So, when I began investigating erotic hypnosis, I checked out how these brain patterns are involved in this type of altered mind-state. The names below are the frequencies that measure a brain's activity or level of consciousness.

  • BETA: normal waking level of conscious awareness.
  • ALPHA: relaxed, daydreamy, mild trance level. Gateway to hypnosis.
  • THETA: deeper trance level associated with light sleep, meditation, hypnotic state.
  • DELTA: slowest, deepest level of conscious awareness for dreamless sleep, deep hypnosis.

Like most people, I've enjoyed orgasms during sleep, induced by dream content, so I was eager to learn more. But putting the science aside, I chatted with a friend, Deviant Succubus, who has experience of sexual hypnosis sessions. Here's what she had to say.

Experience of an Altered State of Mind 

MM: Have you had prior experience of an altered mind-state? Did it make you more open to sexual hypnosis?

DS: Yes. I suffer from an array of mental health issues. One of my symptoms is dissociation, which is like the brain's defense mechanism. If things get too overwhelming, the brain detaches, and I'm unable emotionally to connect to reality. My mind feels like it's floating as if a pause button has been pushed on my emotions. Some kinds of dissociation are similar to an altered mind-state. My experience of this made me more open to erotic hypnosis. I wasn't worried and thought I was more susceptible. It felt like my mind already had the wiring needed. I was curious and unafraid.

For me, erotic hypnosis worked the first time. I'd prepared myself for several attempts and different strategies, but in minutes I was under their spell and let go. I slid into a trance and was able to experience physical sensations resulting in a hypnosis orgasm without anyone touching me - it was both confusing and enticing!

image of sexual hypnosis concept

What Happens at an Erotic Hypnosis Session

MM: Can you explain an erotic hypnosis session leading to hypnosis orgasm?

DS: For erotic hypnosis to work, you need to be in the right state of mind. For me, it has to do with feeling safe with a trustworthy person. You also need to be interested in having sex and can only be hypnotized if you want to be. The conscious mind needs to open the gate to your subconscious. If you're not ready, don't believe it will work, or afraid, you won't be able to go into a trance.

There is a strong suggestion from the person hypnotizing you. They create a sexual image, in words, for you to get lost in. Your mind automatically fills in more detail, which could be an arousing scene, an exciting place, or a safe place. They will suggest how you feel, how your body is reacting and you go deeper into the image, into the scene. Your mind starts to float; your body becomes relaxed and heavy. The suggestions slowly take over until you are no longer in control of your physical reactions and you're in a trance. For instance, they might say they are tenderly stroking your thigh, and you sense their fingertips brushing your skin.

The experience is one of being controlled. Ideas and physical experiences become more intense until they reach a point of hypnosis orgasm. The hypnotist builds it up and then can tell you to come. The first few times that happened, I was confused and in disbelief.


Hypnosis Susceptibility and Practicing it Safely

MM: Do you think the sexual element made you susceptible to achieving hypnosis orgasm? Or the hypnosis relaxed your mind enabling you to enjoy the sex more?

DS: Hypnosis relaxed me, so I was able to reach hypnosis orgasm. I'd always been shy and anxious where sex was concerned, unable to let go. With sexual hypnosis my mind was calm, and I trusted the hypnotist. I wasn't worried about my body looking unattractive, weird sounds I make, or being physically vulnerable. The focus was on me and my sensations so I didn't need to please anyone else. Erotic hypnosis helped me let go sexually. Anyone who has trouble having orgasms with another person is shy or has body image issues, should try sexual hypnosis. It can open up a new world, where sex becomes pleasurable and not something to be anxious or worried about.

MM: How do you go about practicing erotic hypnosis safely?

DS: It's the safest play I've engaged in. To give another person control over your mind and body, which culminates in a hypnosis orgasm, means you must deem them to be trustworthy. If you didn't, they wouldn't be able to hypnotize you in the first place. Your logical, conscious mind needs to feel this way. A good hypnotist will build in a door inside the image they create. Only you have access to it and can use it anytime you want the session to stop. You only need to imagine walking towards that exit and stepping through, and you will wake up. That door is your safeword.


What an extremely tempting picture of erotic hypnosis. All I need to do now is find the hypnotist...

May More enjoys using her deviant imagination to create erotic tales. As well as fiction, her blog is inherently personal, with posts describing her own sexual ventures into bondage while expressing communication is key within a relationship. 

DeviantSuccubus is a brat with a strong connection to the goth scene. With a background in academia and mental health, she now focuses her efforts on her sex blog and writing about a wide range of topics in the areas of BDSM, D/s, kink, mental health, sex and relationships. 

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A few notes:

  1. I consider Sexual hypnosis to be a subgenre of erotic hypnosis. Where erotic hypnosis encompasses a wide variety of hypnotic techniques and activities, sexual hypnosis specifically uses sexual imagery to induce trance.   This article explains the distinction in detail: Sexual Hypnosis vs Erotic Hypnosis.
  2. Not all erotic hypnosis involves a loss of control. An erotic power exchange is only of many ways to use hypnosis erotically. You can also use hypnosis engage in developing your sexuality, overcoming inhibitions, becoming more attuned to a real-life lover, prolonging an erection, or reaching orgasm more quickly. 

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Hypnosis scares me because I've had some bad experiences but I think it can be great for compatible ppl where there's proper communication and understanding :)

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