Our BDSM advice columnist Molly returns to help one submissive assert his boundaries following a request from his Mistress to get a genital piercing. Should he modify his body to please her, even if he doesn't want to? Read on and find out what Molly suggests.

Dear Molly, 
My Mistress wants me to get a Prince Albert piercing. She says they turn her on and like how they feel during sex. I like how they look, but when I think about the process of having it done, it makes me feel a bit sick, and I don't think I can go through with this kind of body modification. Do you think I should toughen up, grit my teeth and do it for her, or should I say no?


A picture of Molly Moore. BDSM Tips

Dear P.A,
For those who don't know, a Prince Albert piercing (or PA) is a ring piercing that passes through the skin at the tip of the penis. It's so-called because it was widely rumored that Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, had one. While that was never verified, it was not unheard of at the time for men to have it done so their penis would sit straight in the tight trousers that were in fashion then.


However, despite the name dating back to Victorian times, this genital piercing is older than this, given its mention in the Kama Sutra as a way to heighten sexual pleasure.

What's it like to get a Prince Albert piercing?

A Prince Albert piercing is usually a ring-style piercing that enters at the frenulum on the underside of the head of the penis and enters through the urethra. A professional piercer should only ever carry it out with training and experience in genital piercings. If you're thinking of getting a PA, do your research and try to connect with other people who have had one. Also, find a piercer who comes with recommendations.


Genital piercings are not for the faint-hearted. A good piercer will be honest about what it entails, but getting a Prince Albert piercing is painful and can involve quite a bit of bleeding. The penis is, after all, full of blood vessels. Also, one of the side effects that people don't often realize is that when you pee, it will come out of both holes, which may well be uncomfortable during the healing process.

How long does a Prince Albert piercing take to heal?

Like all things related to the body, it varies from person to person, but the consensus is anywhere from four weeks to six months. During the early initial stages, there is swelling and inflammation that causes discomfort, and of course, there is always a risk of infection, so it is essential to keep the area clean. 

During the healing process, you will also need to abstain from sexual activity as that will only irritate the piercing, make any swelling worse, and possibly increase the risk of infection. Also, until you're sure the piercing has healed fully, you should wear a condom during any penetrative sex, especially anal.


Should you modify your body?

So here we get to the real heart of your question, and the answer is only you know for sure if you should or shouldn't do it. Getting a genital piercing isn't something you want to do lightly, and unless the idea turns you on and you love the thought, then I would say you shouldn't for the time being. I think it's OK to take some time to think about it, but unless you get to a place in your head where you're enthusiastic about it, you should say no.

Consent and setting boundaries

Body modifications like piercings and  tattoos  are big things. They involve making permanent changes to your body that come with risks. Setting boundaries around activities like this within a D/s relationship is a significant thing to do. I think you must have an honest conversation with your Mistress about this subject. Explain that you're uncomfortable with getting a genital piercing, set some boundaries around these topics, and discuss what you would and wouldn't be comfortable with.

If your Mistress finds this unacceptable or a deal-breaker, I would say they're more interested in getting their way rather than looking out for your wellbeing. 

Submissives are allowed to have BDSM limits and say no. If something someone wants you to do makes you feel physically sick, then it's not fun and sexy anymore, and you shouldn't consent to do it, nor should you be made to feel bad for saying no. Kink is, after all, meant to be fun and sexy for everyone involved. 
Good luck!
Molly x



For tips and advice, contact Molly via her Fetish.com profile or visit her thread in the BDSM Forum

 Mollys BDSM Tips and Advice.  Ask Her!
Cover Image: released from Shutterstock.com



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Posted (edited)

done this many years ago...never regret it in case someone think about it....indeed was a full rush in my head once it was done, but being a very big passionate of body art i always lived with the " no pain, no gain " motto..

healed in 3 to 4 weeks it was a great pleasure during sex and pet play...downside of it is the need of pay attention when time to go to the bathroom..better sit to avoid sometimes uncontrolled splashing..


now the question ...shall you do it if request or not..

well, i think it should always be your own interest if changing your body or not..even if correlated with your submission...as it should be a pleasure to submit to your DOM...and never something that makes you feel uncomfortable or sick..remember...pleasure comes from both sides...

Edited by johnny_mnemonic
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Posted (edited)

I've got a PA. It's ok. Never had any problems with it.

Edited by Mike-8512

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So you couldn't actually have any kind of penetrative sex with your Domme for 6 months after the peircing anyways?!? Definite have to be an LTR to benefit from that body modification then.....not a quick fix for a fetish fun filled theme if healing takes that long!!!) I had no idea healing was so long for that body mod thought it was weeks not months 😲😬

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I have been in a very great group for learning proper training and love for understanding the best thing I heard was a Dom is only as good as slave

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@jeckmansr that sounds extremely painful, hope you weren't convinced into her piercing your nipple

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Good read
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I have to agree with Molly here. I am submissive in many ways, but when it comes to branding, or other body modifications, these are permanent things that should only be done if you want them yourself. Also your relationship needs to be taken into consideration. If you are not sure that you will be with this partner for the rest of your life, why make a permanent modification for Him or Her? Remember it is your body, and it is the only one you get. Think hard before doing something that you may regret later. Be clear on what is acceptable and what isn't. If your Master or Mistress can't respect your body and your limits, then get away from the sick individual.

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Fuck NO, if it's a tattoo or a regular piercing it's okay if the dynamic/relationship is serious and long-term, but a body modification like that that's going to far. Now if there are truly in love with each other then both of them should make a body modification request from each other. But just one person's request for a body modification it's one sided love and commitment. I wouldn't do it nor ask my sub/slave to do.

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With a few of my mistresses NO meant talk me into it.  
With one of my Mistress I could not say NO if I didn’t use our SafeWord that we discussed it meant whatever she did was whatever she did.
One was heavy into needle play and she pierced my nipples while I was in a sensory deprivation hood and bound to a workout bench. 
As for getting a Prince Albert it’s been discussed in my relationships and I think that I would have to be in the same position. Totally bound sensory deprived to let it happen.

But that’s another discussion

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For me, the answer would be "It depends". Personally, one of my hard limits is that I don't want anything permanent done to my body such as tattoos or piercings, but if a Domme wanted me to exercise more or eat a healthier diet, I would happily comply.

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I would go with what your heart tells you. Obviously you know deep down what you really want and don't want.

Think of it this way. If your dynamic relationship broke down would you want it as a reminder of the good times or the break up.

Its like a tattoo would you have an ex name tattoo on as a constant reminder.

Only you can give that answer of what you want to do with your body. No one decides what you should have done because they think you should. Your body your choice, talk to them to how you actually feel about it also. That's the honesty of being a dynamic relationship.

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A good dom is empathetic, understanding and tries to bond with their sub on a deeper level. A Dom is meant to care for you.

To modify yourself at your Doms request depends on the relationship and it’s nature.
Is your relationship everyday? Or just as and when you both have time? How long has this arrangement been going on? Is the relationship part of your lifestyle or just for the thrills here and there, Etc? Is it a monogamous relationship or does your Dom have a handful of subs?

I personally wouldn’t ask anyone to modify themselves for me as I wouldn’t do it for someone else myself.

Submission is a gift. A Dom must always remember that.

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No is allowed under circumstances, do whats right for you.

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If it is negotiated and consented that your dominant has the right to change your physical appearance, than yes.

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No;if your dom asked you to cut your ears off would you??No if you wish to modify yourself it should be because it's something you want end of.If a "Dom,Dimme"doesnt understand this then are they a dom at all???

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