Most of us have some level of body hair, be it on our heads or other places. And while some of us hate hair on ourselves or others, other kinksters are real fans of fur! Victoria Blisse cuts to the chase to all the layers of hair fetish, AKA trichophilia.


Do you get turned on by someone with oodles of body hair, or do you go balmy for a bushy beard? Do curly pubes send you crazy, or does the thought of a big, hairy bush get your reaching for a razor? Or, maybe the idea of shaving someone else's pubes or head gets you horny. If any of these scenarios apply to you, then you could have a kink know as trichophilia.


Trichophilia – the scientific term for a hair fetish – is when someone is erotically aroused from something to do with hair, this might be:

  • Long hair, short hair, or hair of a specific colour
  • Enjoying seeing someone having their hair cut or shaven (head shave fetish
  • Being turned on by beards (pogonophilia)
  • Getting aroused by the presence of pubic hair (pubephilia)
  • Loving body hair such as armpit, chest or legs (hirsute fetish)

Why do hair fetishes exist?

We live in a society that has a lot of assumptions and social expectations connected to hair. There are religious reasons, such as Sikhs leaving their hair to grow out of respect for God's perfect creation, and Muslims wearing headscarves for modesty and as a symbol of their faith. 

Crazy for curls? You could have a hair fetish


But, we have many cultural expectations of hair in much of Western society, often based on old gender binaries, such as masculinity associated with lots of body hair and a short haircut, and femininity connected with long hair and zero body hair.


    Fetishes might form from these expectations or subversions of them, especially in a world full of many genders and a realization that masculinity and femininity are not that binary either.  

    Do you have trichophilia?

    Technically if you have a fetish, you can only get off if that thing is present. However, these days, the words 'kink' and 'fetish' are used in a more entwined way, so if you enjoy having sex with someone with long hair, a specific hairstyle or colour, body hair or lack of it – that still counts!

    Why is it fun to have a body hair fetish?

    • Almost everyone has some amount of hair
    • You can fake it with wigs for hair cutting or an extreme change in length
    • Growing out hair/cutting or shaving hair is temporary

    Trichophilia–  or body hair fetishes – are popular amongst kinksters, and it's easy to see why with it being something humans actively grow, cut, and style – plus smoothness and hairiness both create sensual feelings.

    “Trichophilia – the scientific term for a hair fetish – is when someone is erotically aroused from something to do with hair.”

    Furthermore, you can also use hair in so many sexy ways. Hair pulling is a kink many people indulge in, and hair removal through shaving or cutting can be an incredibly erotic and intimate experience, especially when shared with another person.



    If you're looking for ways to use hair pulling in a kinky context, check out FET's BDSM Training School course, A Quick Guide to Hair Pulling.

    hair-fetish-hirsute-man.jpgFan of fur? Maybe you have trichophilia


    What are the downsides of trichophilia?

    • Sometimes trichophilia is only temporary – specifically if your kink is hair removal; you can't remove what isn't there! 
    • It can sometimes be awkward or problematic asking others to cut or dye their hair or grow or trim their body hair simply to turn you on. Like all kink, it must be consensual. 
    • Significant time commitments are involved in keeping a body hair-free or in maintaining long hair. 

    The way to navigate any issues with your hair fetish is good communication with your partner/s. It's always wise to be upfront and honest about your fetishes so everyone involved understands. 

    “Trichophilia – or body hair fetishes – are popular amongst kinksters, and it's easy to see why with. Smoothness and hairiness both create sensual feelings.”

    Also, you can't expect someone to keep their hair forever long, just to satisfy your fetish (unless they are super submissive, perhaps!). People change and have complete autonomy over their bodies. However, open communication will help navigate these issues, and you can make compromises like satisfying your fetish with someone else or the use of false hair etc. 


    If your fetish is so intense that it is negatively affecting you or your relationships, then you should talk to a medical professional. After all, a fetish should enhance your life – if it's not, then there is no shame in seeking help. 

    Giving good head: shaving yourself sexy

    The final FET: trichophilia and hair fetish

    There are lots of kinksters into trichophilia and different body hair fetishes and plenty of kinksters who love them. If you're looking to share some hot hair experiences, check out the forum and chat with others all about body hair, haircuts and more. •

    Victoria Blisse was an erotic author and sex-positive Reverend. She helped shape and FET from the very beginning and we're eternally grateful for her passion and creativity. Sadly, she passed away in January 2024. We hope that whenever her articles are read, she'll be honored.

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    Already a member? Add trichophilia or hair fetish to your kink list so others know what you love and can find you too! Not a member? Join our kinky family! 

    Forum thread about hair fetish on

    Images: shutterstock/mimagephotgraphyshutterstock/wavebreakmediashutterstock/ - Yuri A

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    Anyone have a head-shaving fetish?

    A dom once gave me a "forced" bowlcut, I had to wear it for a week.

    It really turned me on when I went out because the looks I got.

    I would happily do it again.

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    Good morning

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    Always preferred a nice hairy pussy yet partners loom at me as if im crazy
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    This is cool

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    I wish I had hair 🤣🤣
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    What else you going to do
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    Yes I do
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    anyone really want to be tied up

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    anyone into bondage
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