Even within the diverse and accepting S&M culture, vampirism and people with a vampire fetish might be misunderstood. Separate fact from fiction by discovering more about the different types of vampires.

Unlike the blood-sucking garlic-hating vampires from fantasy tales, modern-day vampires aren’t nocturnal, can’t shapeshift and don’t sparkle. However, it’s a fact that some of them do crave blood – of another human or animal.


Types of vampires

People with a vampire fetish involving the consumption of blood are known as sanguine, while those that prefer the psychic or sexual energy of a partner are known as psionic or psychic vampires. Both subcultures have an active network of online forums, and these are boosted by high-profile modern-day vampires, such as Michelle Navarette.


Navarette is a unique kinda gal, even without the vampire fetish tag. She’s an artist who works in her own blood, a tattooist, and now one of the most recognizable faces on the vampire scene. Like anyone who’s unashamed about their difference, she’s been called a freak, but the overwhelming majority of feedback online has been positive.

Navarette – who has drunk pig's blood since she was a teenager – is completely honest about her vampire fetish, explaining: “I’d just love to bathe in blood with someone and have sex. That’s a little harder to get my lovers to do!

Fang-tastic! Those with a vampire fetish must find a safe and willing donor


Exploring vampire fetish

Modern vampires need to find safe and willing donors to quench their thirst for blood. Indeed, many are in a relationship with their donor, but others are approached by, or seek out, vamp-curious donors online. In the community, these people are referred to as Black Swans or Blood Dolls, and they often see themselves as polyamorous, in that they donate to multiple partners.


“People with a vampire fetish involving the consumption of blood are known as sanguine, while those that prefer the psychic or sexual energy of a partner are known as psionic vampires.”


Unlike in fiction, vampirism and the vampire fetish isn’t caused by a virus, but human blood does contain plenty of nasty infectious diseases that can be passed on through drinking it. To protect themselves, modern vampires have organized safe feeding techniques that guard each participant. STI and HIV checks are frequent, plus both sides educate themselves in safe methods of bloodletting.



Although these details make vampirism comparable to a blood play fetish, a glance around any specialist vampire fetish forum makes it clear that feeding in this way is not a turn-on for every genuine sanguine vampire.


Drinking blood happens as the result of a certain hunger, and arousal is an entirely different state of mind, one that’s directed at the person – not their plump veins. Most modern vampires find blood as kinky as others find a burger!


Vampire kink and vampire BDSM

However, for those with a preference for BDSM, passion can be stirred by vampire fetish play involving a helpless victim and a dangerous vampire. Just like in other areas of sadomasochism, couples work out their own boundaries, creating a bespoke blend of bondage and vampirism that works for them.

Psychic or psionic vampires claim to soak up the life force of people around them in different ways. This can include everything from physical closeness, to passion, or simply being in the same room as someone extremely creative, like an artist or a musician.


“The psionic type of vampire believe they can tap into the energy field that surrounds another person and take a hit. The point of climax, apparently, is an optimal time for energy vamping.”


Although abusive partners are regularly referred to as energy vampires, that’s not the connotation here. The sharing of psychic energy is not supposed to be harmful and can be interpreted as a form of complementary therapy, like Pranic healing.

In fact, the psionic type of vampire believe they can tap into the energy field that surrounds another person and take a hit. The point of climax, apparently, is an optimal time for energy vamping.


Modern vampires and the BDSM community

People who have a vampire kink or fetish are drawn to the BDSM community for many reasons. Primarily it offers an acceptance that’s absent in the mainstream world. Ridicule can cut deep, but when you’re amongst others who appreciate the same aesthetic influences, you feel a sense of belonging.

Back to black: there are different types of vampires

Sexuality also plays a part. Bondage freaks treasure the strange and unusual over the mundane. Therefore, it follows that exotic outsiders dressed in black with fake fangs are going to be considered curiously sexy, vampire fetish or not. As an example, special vampire nights are common at BDSM clubs.



Indeed, there’s plenty that links bondage and vampire subcultures in the public arena, but in private, this connection can make for a more honest and fulfilling relationship. Most of us who enjoy a level of fetish and BDSM in our lives can identify with feeling like an outsider. Consequently, modern vampires or those with a vampire fetish often make a love connection with someone on the scene. It’s easier for them to be open about themselves and their lifestyle. •

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Looking for others with a vampire fetish? Wanna talk about vampirism and all things blood? Find them by joining Fetish.com for free today.

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Images shutterstock/freya-photographer, shutterstock/Margaret M Stewart
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I have had a succubus fantasy for a long time

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I want to be a vampire victim.

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This sounds fun

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This is something I would love to explore

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I'm open. Always been a curiosity of mine

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I'm looking for someone to come over and let me give them the time of their life I'm open to try new things Aswell I'm in the Montgomery tx area

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..so..When’s the next 🩸 Orgy lol

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Im open to it

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I'm looking for a woman who will rock my world in the bedroom in north fort Myers Florida

You must host or get a hotel room.

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Any female want to chat?

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Any one wanna chat ill send pics😘
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Good morning

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I want to suck a trans woman's sweet cock

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Good morning

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yy does this worqk with q. Q.
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So down to bite and nibble on some titties

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Love to Try it with someone as the victim
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I need some ass to fuck and eat out

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Bite me…

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I'm courious about just about everything 👀

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Im curious about it

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Im looking for people into in the new york city area

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Representation matters. 🩸

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Yessssssssss 🫠🫠 thank you for this article

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Vampirism is sexy af

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I'd let a female vamp sink her fangs into my balls...🤣

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I tried to Google navarette and can't find anything on her. Help???

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Happy to see this talked about finally!
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I’m into ladies with cute canine teeth! It’s also kinda a rare thing because canine teeth varies in shape and length.

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This articles are getting dumber with each one.

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This is my shit right here

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Livorydoll, I've noticed your fangs, I did wonder, lol. Love them! 🤣

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Well I've had my teeth permanently modified into vampire fangs

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