Heard of the term felching but not sure exactly what it means? Our BDSM advice guru Molly is here to help. This month – for Anal April – she explains the definition of felching to one curious couple and offers tips on how to practise this intimate kink as safely as possible...


Dear Molly, 
My partner and I were recently watching some porn and afterwards it left us wondering: what is felching exactly? We found a basic definition but it seemed to be mostly about gay men, but we are a heterosexual couple. We're interested in exploring this kink together – as the thought of it turns us both on – but we are wondering what are the risks involved, and also, is there such a thing as vaginal felching, or is it only an anal thing?

Curious Pair


A picture of Molly Moore. BDSM Tips

Dear Curious Pair,

Historically the term felching has referred to the act of sucking semen (ejaculate) from another person’s anus after cumming inside them. It was mostly seen as a sex act that was performed between homosexual partners. However, over time the accepted definition of felching has come to include vaginal felching and anal felching between heterosexual couples. So, let’s start with the obvious question.


What is felching exactly?

Basically, felching occurs when one partner sucks, licks or scoops out their semen from another partner’s anus or vagina and consumes it orally. The term came into use within the male gay community in the 1970s but now has evolved to encompass all genders.

However, when it comes to eating sperm out of a partner’s vagina, some people may know that as eating creampie. Creampie is a popular tag used in porn videos and is the act of ejaculating inside a partners anus or vagina without a condom, resulting in the semen seeping or dripping from that orifice. So, eating creampie and felching are essentially the same thing. 


How do you felch?

It is fairly simple really. One partner ejaculates inside the other person's butt or vagina and that same partner then licks, sucks or scoops out their ejaculate and eats it. Sometimes they will also share their sperm with their partner, either by passing it mouth-to-mouth – a practice known as snowballing – or by having them lick it off fingers or whatever implement they have used to scoop it up.

If you are using your mouth to lick up the semen from a partner’s anus this would then also include the act of rimming, which is basically licking your partner’s anus. 
Felching means to eat/lick your semen from your partner's anus/vagina

Some people like to use fingers to scoop out the semen, particularly when the partner has a vulva and the semen is in the vagina. That’s because they can then use their mouth to stimulate their partner’s clit while using their fingers to scoop out the semen and eat it. 


Why practise felching?

There are lots of reasons why people find the act of felching a turn-on. Firstly there is the physical sensation part of it. The pleasure from being touched and licked in such a way, but mostly the attraction of felching is more likely to be related to the psychological aspects.

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There is a great deal of intimacy involved in felching when it comes sharing bodily fluids – not only in the act of being ejaculated in, but then in sharing that fluid back and between partners. It is likely not to be something you would do with a casual partner due to the risks involved (which we will get onto in a minute).


“What is felching exactly? Felching occurs when one partner sucks, licks or scoops out their semen from another partner’s anus or vagina and consumes it.”

For some people there is also the excitement that comes with just doing something that feels particularly ‘dirty’ or taboo. Enjoying the rush that you get from such associations is often part of why people like a kink such as felching. 

Felching can also be part of a humiliation kink, for example, playing with the ideas of cleaning up a partner. Serving them in that way can definitely tap into someone’s submissive kink.

felching-definition-meaning.jpgGoing down? Felching can be horny, but safety should be addressed too

Is felching safe? 

The short answer is, it depends. 

Clearly, if you are ejaculating into someone’s vagina, then firstly there is the risk of pregnancy if they are not using contraception. But also not using condoms means there is a risk of catching or transmitting a sexually transmissible infection (STI). 

If your felching involves the anus then clearly the issue will be mostly about STI risks. Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that men who have sex with men (MSM) are up to four times more likely to contract HIV if they indulge in felching. 


“Felching was mostly seen as a sex act that between homosexual partners. However, over time the accepted definition of felching has come to include heterosexual couples too.”

If you are fluid-bound with your partner and are both certain and up-to-date with knowing your STI status, then you have eliminated one of the biggest risks when it comes to felching. But if not, then it’s really important to have regular STI testing to make sure any partners you have do the same thing to try to limit the risks.

However, when it comes to anal felching, you also need to be aware that consuming ejaculate from the anus means you risk also consuming fecal matter. This can carry all sorts of bacteria that can cause sickness if consumed, from simple stomach upsets to serious illnesses like hepatitis and typhoid. There is not really anything you can do to minimize this risk, so you need to be sure that you are comfortable taking those risks if you want to indulge in anal felching. Clearly, if you are only indulging in vaginal felching, then none of the above applies. 


Felch kink: final thoughts

Like other intimate kinks – such as cum swallowing – felching is not without its risks, but with planning and communication it is totally possible to thoroughly explore and enjoy this kink with your partner. As long as everyone involved is consenting and fully aware of the risks, then felch away!


Good luck!
Molly x

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If you need any more Domme dating advice, or want to discuss any other kink-related issue, contact Molly via her Fetish profile. Domme looking to date? Join our forum!

Images: shutterstock/Estrada Anton, shutterstock/DisobeyArt


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Huh ?

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How did no one ever think to make a class about this before? 5 stars. :)

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I’m not so sure about that. Although I have wanted to try giving a woman anal
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I worked on a construction sight and that was a derogatory thing the guys would call each other . Back then I didn't know what they were talking about . I was the only woman on the crew and they wouldn't tell me .The full phrase they called 3ach other was " double pumping peanut butter eating ffetcher! " Why is that a bad thing? Sounds ok to me! Lol!

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Is that really a thing? I never heard of that before. Interesting. But I’m good though.
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Now I’m horny

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Adds another kink term to my list of hell yes
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