Many people enjoy watching someone’s journey to bigger muscles for various reasons. Maybe they want exercise tips or motivation to make changes to their body. However, others enjoy body gains in a far more sexual and kinky way. We asked our very own Victoria Blisse to give us a peek into the hot and sweaty world of gaining kink.


What is gaining kink?

Where feederism is the act of being turned on by yourself or another person gaining weight from increased fat, gaining kink is all about getting bigger muscles via diet or exercise. 

The attraction can be to a person’s muscle gains or seeing someone else’s muscles grow. It might be specific to one person, a partner, or someone you are specifically attracted to - or it could be for anyone showing muscle gains. It might even be connected to seeing fantastical growing muscles in comic books, movies, and TV. Imaginary gains can be a turn-on for some people as real gains. There is a lot of variation within this kink, for example, muscle worship, and any turn-on from muscle gains counts.

Is gaining kink just for gay men?

Gaining is prevalent in the gay community, so this is the context you see it often referred to. As with any fetish, anyone can have it. But any person of any gender can be into muscle gaining kink - just as bodybuilding can be for all genders.

Is gaining safe?

We’ve always got to be risk aware, whatever our kinks, and there are risks attached to gaining fetish. Here are a few things you could do to mitigate risks and enjoy this kink as safely as possible.

  • Consult a professional: You will want to check in with a personal trainer or a Doctor before starting any intensive diet and exercise regime to ensure that what you are doing is healthy and suitable - this is especially important if you have existing health conditions. If you encourage someone else to gain muscle, ask them to seek medical and professional advice as needed.
  • Be realistic: The psychological impact of muscle gaining is essential to this fetish too. If you’re a Dominant encouraging a submissive to gain, make sure you set achievable targets and give reassurances when they aren’t met. The same goes if you’re looking at your own gains, don’t expect more from yourself than is realistically achievable.
  • Cheat: You might want to see extreme muscle gain, which isn’t always humanly possible. Think of ways to simulate this. Use balloons, padding, or cushions under clothing, for example, to achieve the bulked-up look that turns you on - this is a non-permanent way to indulge your fetish too!

Kinks and fetishes should enhance your life and bring you joy. If that stops, then rethink what you’re doing. If in doubt, don’t do it, and if you start to feel like the kink is taking up more of your time and effort than it should be or it’s not giving you any satisfaction, then you should speak to a medical professional. It’s always okay to change your mind; no one should ever get mad at you for doing so.


How else can I satisfy my gaining fetish?

Suppose you’re not in a relationship or don’t want to change your body for your gaining kink. In that case, you can look to the active community online, where people share photos, drawings, and fantasy illustrations specifically to turn people on.

There are plenty of places online where you can connect with others who love gaining fetish, right here on, for example. It is okay to admire another person’s muscle gains but remember that it’s important not to sexually objectify a person without their prior consent. There are many ways to enjoy gaining kink, alone, with a partner, or with a bunch of people in real life or online. As long as you’re practicing Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK), there’s a lot of fun to be had. 

Keep it purely fantastical or introduce it to your daily life; you are in control of your muscles and maybe someone else’s, too, if they like it!

Victoria Blisse was an erotic author and sex-positive Reverend. She helped shape and FET from the very beginning and we're eternally grateful for her passion and creativity. Sadly, she passed away in January 2024. We hope that whenever her articles are read, she'll be honored.

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come see my gain on ig the.exited.state

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im here

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Let's see it.

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I'm a gamer

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Nothing wrong with promoting health

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Just now, adrenalina75 said:
How is this a kink, and not just a body type that some people find attractive? At this stage I am starting to think that people in this community and clutching at straws by trying to make everything about kink, as opposed to just attraction. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

*ARE clutching at straws

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How is this a kink, and not just a body type that some people find attractive? At this stage I am starting to think that people in this community and clutching at straws by trying to make everything about kink, as opposed to just attraction. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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Single and ready to mingle
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I am fat 5'7 260 mostly top fat. Can run 2.5 in 45 min. What should I be eating 🤔 chicken salmon?
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Started training a lil while ago and it start me wondering if this is a thing or not, good to know it is!
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I am 80+ too and was always muscular since High School football but recently I had to go into hospital on Xmas Day... Life does change.
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Fascinating - I am intrigued. I’ve had quite a few stud type subs. Delicious 💋
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I am 80+should I give up trying to gain muscles and healthy strength?
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Very interesting
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Yay! Really appreciate the visibility here on this aspect of "gaining" 💜
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Bodybuilder here. Didn't know this was a thing except muscle worship which I was only offered by gay men. Very neat
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No incense Bennett good we
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Any big booty girls in vegas
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I have had this kink since I can remember! I grew up watching "worlds strongest man" and my fascination with men and muscles was set from there! I adore a beast of a man ! It is true that this is usually associated with gay men, its seldom mentioned as a heterosexual kink, when it is its usually with muscular women being the object. I'm so glad to see this kink being mentioned and hopefully bring more heterosexual muscle men who want to be adored and worshipped! 😍
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Didn't know this was a kink! All the work is paying off ;) haha

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Haha I mean objectify away. Someone better appreciate all this hard work
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Is there gentleman in the graphic apart of the site 👀👀👀😂😂🧐🧐🧐
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