Are you in a Dominant submissive relationship? Writer Sienna Saint-Cyr shares her thoughts on how her Dom helps her with everything from riding the train alone to overcoming deep trauma. She explains what submission means to her and why the illusion of control in a D/s relationship is just that... an illusion.


When in a D/s relationship, who has the power and who is really in control? Some will say the Dom/Domme, while others insist it’s actually the submissive. I feel both are in control but in different ways, and both are powerful in different ways.


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Who's in control in a Dominant submissive relationship? 

As a submissive, I choose to submit to my Dominant. He doesn’t force me. So while he’s in control when I’m submitting to him, the fact that I’m choosing to submit takes things to a level of equality. There is also a wonderful power in letting go of my power. To be able to feel it in me and hand it over willingly is freeing. It also has benefits that I don’t have access to when I’m in my Domme place.

For example, my Dom helps me be a better person. He encourages me to try harder and do things I’m afraid of. Even when I’m having a full panic attack, he’ll instruct me to calm down, reassure me that I can handle it, then tell me to do the thing I’m freaking out over. Sometimes it’s something simple, like riding a train alone.  Other times he might help out more, or go with me because it’s a bigger fear that might involve triggering. The bottom line, though, is that he offers me tough love. He doesn’t let me give in to my anxiety, and that helps me grow. This is only something I gain while I’m submitting. So for me, in our Dominant submissive relationship, submission is power.


Woman in collar and chain Dominant submissive relationship
For some people, submission is power in their Dominant submissive relationship.

Tough love

When I’m in my Domme space, I also encourage submissives to face fears. To learn and to grow. I give tough love, as well. It’s just as helpful to them as it is to me when I’m being urged to face something I don’t want to face. Facing fears is hard. Dealing with trauma is hard. Accepting who we are and making changes to better ourselves is hard. But when we have a Dominant at our back telling us, we can do it, that gives us power as well. Even in Domme space I grow and face things I’m struggling with. Especially if a submissive has been really good or begged properly because I want to reward them even if that reward might be triggering for me trauma is hard.

While dominating someone, I’m in complete control. Yet I’m also not. Because the sub can safe word at any time, and I stop whatever is happening. I may push the submissive’s boundaries with consent to do so, but still, the one really dictating that scenario is the submissive. So who really has the power in a Dominant submissive relationship?

In healthy D/s, both parties have power. Both have control. Both can help the other learn and grow, only through different means. The power and control exerted are given, not taken. And it’s in this place of giving—handing over control—that I find the real power.


Sienna Saint-Cyr writes erotica and blogs about kink, poly, body image, most things relating.

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Sounds like both paRtys but espically the Domm see this as a holistic or "whole self" full psychologys relationship with a give & take ethos of energy's passing back & forth to benefit & take active-effect on both paRtys equally 🤔 sounds awesome But I wonder how many situations are set-up like this?!? Is this only common in the longer term commited S&M relationships?!? Is this a special kind of therapeutic S&M?!? 🤔

Got the impression things can be much more haphazard than this generally which makes me very wary of being involved atall because S&M is a form of pycological interaction and I'm sure it can hurt much more than just physically 🙊 I'm not scared of physical pain but mental & emotional pain from someone who's not connected-up to the other person that keeps me firmly on the sidelines atmo 💀🙈 till I know a lot more about peeps to tell what kind of set-up peeps are aiming at 👩‍🎓


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Thinking that the sub really control,in my relationship i doing that my Mistress understand how wishing to be dominated and punished by her! She doing always that i wishing 

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