For such a short word, 'no' can be hard to say and harder still to hear. It's difficult enough in everyday life sometimes, but it can be even trickier when it comes to BDSM dating. Victoria Blisse offers some tips to help you say no and mean it – without breaking kink etiquette. 


Being on fetish and BDSM dating sites, apps, and even fetish forums mean that you will probably have gotten a creepy message at some time or another. These messages often demand services and play before you've even gotten to know the person. Dom/mes that assume that because you have submissive tendencies, you're going to submit to just anyone, and subs who think because you're Dominant, you'll dominate them in just the way they want you to.

These messages are often dehumanizing in their demand that you fulfill the writer's fantasy and are – however you look at it – rude. Don't feel the need to hold back when replying to these. As they haven't afforded any kink courtesy to you, why should you extend it to them?

If you don't want to be confrontational, ignoring messages such as these is the best way to go. Otherwise, send a simple 'no' in return. If the person continues to message or you feel the content of the messages received is threatening, then report it to the site/app you're using.

It can be challenging to stand up and say no, but remember you're doing something good for yourself and the person you're responding too. You might even be helping someone more vulnerable than yourself by reporting any concerning behavior.

Negotiating BDSM play

BDSM: saying no

However, sometimes you get asked to play by someone you know and respect, but you still want to refuse. Maybe it's something that you don't want to try, and perhaps the person isn't someone you want to play with. It doesn't matter why; if you don't want to enter a scene with another person, you should always be able to say no. It's an essential part of consent. 

Politely saying no is easier than you think. The key is to keep your rebuttal impersonal and not accusatory or judgmental. Be as honest as you can in your response. If you know you'll never be interested in playing with the person asking – let them know. You can say you don't feel like you're compatible play partners, but if you don't make it clear, they may keep asking for play, putting you both in an awkward situation.


“It doesn't matter why; if you don't want to enter a scene with another person, you should always be able to say no. It's an essential part of consent.”

It's always best to say no in a situation you're unsure of. If you're not 100% sure you want to proceed, say no and have an honest conversation with the partner(s) you're with. If you feel that you have to do something to satisfy your Dom/top that you don't want to do, then analyze why. By not telling them your true feelings, you deceive yourself and your partner. BDSM relationships need this honesty to thrive.

The same goes for tops. If you don't want to indulge in a particular type of play, it is much better to say no and deal with the consequences of that than dealing with the effects of a scene gone wrong.

BDSM dating and accepting rejection

While it's never pleasant to be told no, there are ways to lessen the blow of rejection.

  • Remember that consent works many ways That person saying no is exercising their right to consent. You wouldn't want to force them into doing something they don't want.
  • 'No' is not the end of the world Just because one person rejects you or your idea for play doesn't mean everyone will. Also, sometimes the rejection is for one particular thing; it's essential to have an honest conversation because you might find that the person is interested in play but not the specific act you are suggesting.
  • Take time to digest It's crucial to be honest here too. Tell the person how you're feeling, but don't set out to make them feel bad. Telling them you're a little upset is OK, ranting and raving that they're cruel and evil isn't. Treat that person as you would like to be treated. We've all said no to someone at some time or another. Remember how it feels and consider that.

'No' is a mighty word. Learning how to use it constructively and accept it respectfully will help you in your BDSM journey. •

Victoria Blisse was an erotic author and sex-positive Reverend. She helped shape and FET from the very beginning and we're eternally grateful for her passion and creativity. Sadly, she passed away in January 2024. We hope that whenever her articles are read, she'll be honored.

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Images: Shmeljov, shutterstock/Mirko Macari

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I reject everyone unsuitable for me... 😂

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Sissy chub bttm bakersfield showing off on cam
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Great subject. I know loads of men who have completely given up on sex and romance because a decade of rejection (not knowing how to embrace it) earlier in thier lives as young men, kind of burned something out in them. For each one there must be a suitable woman somewhere without a partner, who is living involuntary alone.
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Ain't easy to take especially when you feel you are getting somewhere with someone and feel there is chemistry and connection. Part of life. Got to learn to move on and realize you set yourself up by thinking about things that weren't there. You are wiser after and look for the signs and cues after contact and withdraw before rejection happens. 

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Posted are right, some people think the world revolves around them and what they want without little or no consideration towards others....a relationship has to be a two way thing. I know I'm submissive and like to be used, but that doesn't mean I'm not a person with feelings who should be respected for who am. If the situation or players aren't to my liking, then that should be understood and my opinions accepted. without pressure or abuse. It's all about enjoyment for everyone not just for a few...
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Recently two different men were expecting to have a dynamic with them, they were acting like they were my Daddy Dom but I only talked to them for a few hours, not even 1 full day.
They both automatically assumed that they had my submission expected way too much and didn't understand from my point of view as a woman or as a sub why it is a red flag.
They both don't seem to understand the talking stage when you get to know eachother of the vetting process (a lot of people don't seem to understand this at all and make absolutely no effort at all to get to know me as a person because i'm a human being not a human sexdoll)
Either guy didn't understand why their behaviour, attitude or expectations are a red flag, why it seemed threatening, or it was lovebombing & gaslighting, controlling, coercive control and abusive.
No means No, I usually explain why i'm not interested in a guy, some men need to learn to grow up, and act like a adult if they want to be taken seriously by women, especially if they aren't really experienced, or want to be a Dom.
My opinion is based on how men have behaved, I didn't do or say anything to make them act a certain way, this is just how some men act, or what their attitude, mentality, perception of women, sex, dating seems to be like for some men.
Not everyone will be interested in you or compatible with you and that's okay, just accept and move on instead of being verbally abusive to women, harassing them just because you can't handle the fact that some women aren't interested in you or they rejected you.
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No is always hard to hear, but it’s a part of life. No one likes to hear it, but some things just aren’t meant to be.

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Excellent article. Thank you.

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Very good article. Informative. Love the photo with the gesture. Really sums it up.

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Posted (edited)

Very good article (sorry had to amend this comment a few times because I put it in the wrong thread). 

Edited by Deleted profile
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No means "No" and that is that. If the Dom(me) does not want to understand that, then where is the respect and in where does it stop? It's not difficult because it's not about the other person, but it's all about you. Maybe the submissive doesn't like to say it, but it will be by far worse if you say yes.

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Life is full of rejection. Why worry about rejection to bdsm dating???

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Thank you ! People are way too sensitive on both sides.

It just no not the end of the world

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Is being an adult and just moving on so hard for some people? I understand being disappointed, but no means no, and if someone didn't respect a no from you, you'd hate it too.

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Great article!

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🙏 Thank you for posting this Magazine article, a good read for all to take stock of and remember

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I could tag so many people right now that need to hear this...

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Massively needed article, brilliant thank you!

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How about, your an adult and in every aspect of your life you may face rejection. No one owes you anything, so just grow up.

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