Ever feel down when looking at fetish images of slim models wrapped in beautiful shibari? Tired of only seeing perfect porn stars with peachy bottoms and tiny waists? Stop! Kink is body-positive and for everyone, no matter your size or shape. Victoria Blisse shares her experiences and body-positive tips for overcoming body image issues and building self-esteem.


Being BBW (and not body-positive) 

I've always been fat. That word is a descriptor; it's not an insult. I used to take it as such, but growing up has shown me that it's the same as calling someone tall or skinny; labels can be used positively or negatively. Call me what you will, BBW, plus-size, curvy; they're all positive things to me now, although that wasn't always the case.

Growing up, I hated my body. That seriously put a dent in my self-esteem. For every compliment I got on how I looked, I was able to twist it into an insult. Catcalling by a stranger or a group of guys didn't help with my self-esteem either. Even after meeting my husband and confirming that he found me sexy, I still had minimal self-confidence. It was hard to believe I could ever be attractive.

Adverts permeate our day-to-day life, so even if you avoid magazines and newspapers like me, you still see idealized images on TV, posters, and on the sides of buses. We are surrounded by Photoshopped images that pressure us into believing we need to purchase this scent or that designer outfit to become attractive. I say hell to that. You are beautiful exactly as you are.

confident plus-size model in bdsm kinky play
Plus-size, kinky, loud, and proud!

How kink helped me build self-esteem and be body-positive

It was stepping into the kink and fetish world that helped me build self-esteem. I don't think I've ever experienced such a body-positive community before. Participating in large-scale erotic markets and fetish fairs revealed that people of all shapes and sizes confidently wore whatever they damn well wanted. Plus-size latex, for example, was a real eye-opener - I didn't realize it existed.


I was still quite reserved initially, and it took a long while to wear more revealing clothes. Over time I received more body-positive compliments, and my confidence grew. I then realized that I could wear whatever made me happy, and by doing so, I shone with self-confidence. When you believe in yourself, you're comfortable in your skin and clothing - other people see that and react in kind. That's the key, you know.

Check out our article 'How to Look Incredible in Plus-Size Fetish Wear'   :smiling_imp: 


We all have parts of ourselves that we're not fans of. For me, it's my back because I have a few rolls. I've found that my pride in taking a beating which results in pretty marks, totally trumps any worries about my body. And in confidently displaying my body covered in  spanking marks, I've realized that I'm a beautiful canvas to start with.

At my first kink play event, I was still quite reserved and marveled at the plus-size women's confidence wandering around topless or even nude in some cases. It took me a while to be as free and easy myself. What helped me was having marks to show off. I eagerly wanted to show off my bottom covered in cane marks and bruises, and soon I was even showing off my back.


"It might not happen overnight, but I’m confident that you can boost your self-esteem and confidence because if I’ve managed it, anyone can do it!" - Victoria Blisse.

Tips for being body-positive and building self-esteem  

Here are my five top body-positive tips for building self-esteem within the kink community.

  1. Look at the people at kink events. I don't mean to stare open-mouthed (that's a bit rude) but notice all the different body shapes around you. Remember, we're all diverse but beautiful in our unique way.
  2. Show a little bit more. You don’t have to throw all your clothes off immediately, but maybe show off some slinky, sexy lingerie or wear that strapless dress to the next play event you attend.
  3. Compliment others. Have you heard the saying 'you get back what you give'? Well, when you see something you love, let that person know. It can be as simple as telling someone you like their earrings or corset, but by giving out positivity, you invite it back to you.
  4. Compliment yourself. Once you’re used to giving out positivity to others, try it with yourself. Look in the mirror and be kind with your comments. Compliment your good bits and be gentle with the other parts that are harder to love. Each little bit makes up part of sexy you!
  5. Peacock those marks! Show off your bruises, share photos of the wax play art on your back, embrace your sexy kinkiness and share it with your fetish friends.

Victoria Blisse was an erotic author and sex-positive Reverend. She helped shape fetish.com and FET from the very beginning and we're eternally grateful for her passion and creativity. Sadly, she passed away in January 2024. We hope that whenever her articles are read, she'll be honored.

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Got body-positive tips to help build self-esteem? Sharing is caring kinksters; head to the Fetish.com forum or drop a comment below this article. Everyone is beautiful here!

Plus size and into kink forum thread

Images: model released from Shutterstock.com


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  On 3/24/2021 at 5:21 PM, Starling808 said:

Lol, here we go...of course we realize and understand health risks of obesity and we don’t need it pointed out to us by strangers and yes it is mean to do it. With all due respect, You don’t get to decide what is offensive to others.  The health issue is between us and our doctors.  Lots of normal weight people also have various health problems but since you can’t see them you don’t take it upon yourself to comment or think about their health, right?  Oh look at that guys high cholesterol, I better say something!  Oh my god, that person has a tumor, I better get them to the oncologist!  No..this is about fat phobia for you under the guise of so-called caring.  Just say nothing and if you’re not attracted then leave us alone. Did you know that 95 percent of people who lose weight regain it and that’s actually more harmful to health than not having lost it in the first place?  It’s complex. Read up on obesity science or talk to a bariatric surgeon if you really truly care about our health and want to learn. Otherwise just treat us like anyone else Bc we already know about the health risks and telling us we have “beautiful faces” is backhanded. Don’t do it. It’s like saying lots of poor people are hard workers. It’s like saying people should find you unappealing but your saving grace is this.  


And this is the kind of response that we've all become so very accustomed to finding! Ffs! Talk about jump down someone's throat,! If you dare to stop yourself for 5 seconds before sounding off at people maybe the guy was actually genuinely giving people a compliment?? Lol  not everyone is seemingly as nasty and calculated as you can be certainly not everyone has a double meaning in their response get a life

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From experience, i believe you just have to go with the crowd that wants you, me personally i like bbws.

Sex for me with a bbw is more pleasurable and they have the best Vagina's ever, always soaking wet, i think it has to do with them having lots of estrogen, the women sex hormones

I find that i usually cannot last longer during sex with bbw's because of their exceptional vagina's



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Thank you!

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It seems BBW is ok, but BBM really isn’t. You are beautiful and sexy. Especially in lingerie.
As a overweight male, no one was interested. I lost 45 pounds and have started to put on muscle. Now people are interested.
But, I just accept it as it is.

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Love this .really good read and helpful x

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So long as people realize and understand the health risks of obesity. It's not mean to point these things out. It's simply acknowledging fact and truth. I come from an obese, overweight family and have grown up around this. You can be nice and kind to overweight people, while still acknowledging the health hazards of obesity. Any doctor would agree, I'm sure. But plus size women often have very beautiful faces.

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What about advice for guys?

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What a wonderful article. We are all beautiful. Perfectly imperfect! ♥️

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Practice practice Practice! I used to think the same and its not true. The first step in my opnion is allowing yourself to take compliments from others. Dont turn them down, say they are wrong, or try to counter the compliment. Smile swallow your initial reactions and say thank you. Allow others to see your beauty. The second is to get naked in front on a mirror and say kind things to your body as if it were your best friend. You dont have to believe them, just say them over and over for minimum 10 minutes a day. After practice you will start seeing yourself as beautiful. Lastly, follow people in your social media with body types like yours! You feel negative about your body because you dont see beautiful people in your size well look for them! Insta has loads of beautiful plus size big bodies 😍❤ its not easy work, and you won't feel fabulous everyday, but you can love yourself and change your perspective on yourself ❤

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Sometimes things cant be changed, how we look at our selves. Ive tried lol

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Love! Great article and tips! Not only for fat bodied folk but for people of all sizes! Insecurities live within all of us, and fester keeping us from flourishing into our beautiful amazing true selves. Flaunt what you have and celebrate all bodies ❤

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I feel fabulous after reading this.  I've always been edging toward Goddess-shaped but while I didn't have as many men friends as my slimmer sisters, I've certainly had my share.  (Usually attracted by the size of my bust.) My lord likes a 'good handful of woman' and shows that he likes but it's good to hear such positive words from another Goddess-girl and it is true - there's plenty of lovely lingerie and goodies in plus sizes. Thanks, Victoria.

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Loved reading the suggestions for help, I've always felt big and fat and been ridiculed for being much larger than most people, and have because of this always struggled with my self esteem, Its only recently and with help from some truly lovely people that I've started to see my worth,
I'm looking forward to trying your tips and seeing how they help! 

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Yeah it does seem the main Fetish mags and fetish models like in Bizzare magazine are very slim & perfect & somewhat boring because of it too)

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