At we like to demystify fetishes and build awareness of the different kinds of BDSM dynamics out there, including DDlg relationships. This next story follows a princess on adventures with her Daddy Dom - the love of her life as a little - where we learn with them about trust and the DDlg lifestyle.


What is DDlg? The Life of a Little

I recently got into the DDlg lifestyle and became an actual little. I am a princess, around 4-8 years old but the adult me is 24 years old. My name is Princess E, and my Daddy’s name is Mr B. My favourite thing to do is draw pictures for Daddy and write about our DDlg life together. I love all kinds of animals (especially baby animals) and Nutella. I also like it when my Daddy Dom touches my special place. As a new BDSM little, I would like to share my thoughts about this newfound DDlg relationship.

A lot of people seem to think that the DDlg lifestyle is some sort of incest play. Let me tell you that it is NOT.

A DDlg relationship is built on trust, love, affection and devotion. It’s a mindset, not a turn on for young kids. Me and my Daddy are not really sure yet just WHY we find this so arousing and exciting. What we know for sure is that this is what we’ve been searching for but didn’t know it.

What is a BDSM little, then?

A little, from my point of view, is someone who needs and/or wants control. A firm but loving hand and a lot of snuggles. When we misbehave, there are consequences. When we behave, we get rewards. It is a very passionate relationship with lots of love, snuggles and sweet talk. BDSM littles are also submissive and want to please our Daddies/Mommies more than anything. We act like little girls or boys, allowing our inner child come out as an alter ego. Sometimes we are adults as well, but a lot of the time these two personas overlap each other. I, myself, am very little when I’m adult. To a stranger, it would look like I'm being cute, while when I’m a little, I regress mentally.

adult babygirl in DDlg relationship
Protection, mentoring and Dominance feature strongly in the DDlg lifestyle.

How do you live like a DDlg little?

It’s kinda natural for me and comes easily. I am a princess most of the time, talking in a baby voice, painting Daddy pictures, wanting stuffies, unicorns and glitter everywhere. Since we started living out the DDlg lifestyle, I’ve gotten so much better at taking directions and commands, like ”do the dishes”. Before, it could take several hours before I did them- resulting in punishment. Now I do them immediately. Everything has become easier actually. With our DDlg relationship sex has become better. Our dynamics and ways of solving problems have become better. Anxiety and stress levels have decreased. It’s a state of mind basically, and you can’t force it. It just comes, naturally.

Looking for a little or a Daddy or Mommy Dom? Find them on!

What does a typical day for a DDlg little look like?

Well, I can only speak for myself but a regular day for me is waking up, doing my morning routines and wait for nummies. Taking a shower, getting dressed and then it’s just a regular day like anyone else. Except that at home, I’m a princess most of the time. I talk with a baby voice. I am naive and innocent. Also, I’m VERY sassy and a little obstinate but not in a bratty way, in a cute, joking way. Daddy loves it when I get sassy and stomp my feet on the floor. When I cross my arms over my chest and make a pouty face because my Daddy Dom didn’t wanna tickle my special spot, he then gives me tons of kisses and love, and in an instant, I'm happy again!

What does your Daddy Dom get out of this?

My Daddy gets a lot out of the DDlg lifestyle. But mainly there are three things that make this DDlg relationship work for us.

  • First is protection. Daddy loves protecting his little princess. Pampering me and making all sorts of rules and having me ask for permission to do things.

  • Second is mentoring. He wants the best for me and by giving me challenges and pushing me towards a goal he thinks is relevant to me and my situation; he helps me to be a better person. He builds me up by love, affection and punishments.

  • The third is kinda obvious. Dominance. My Daddy is dominant to the core of his soul. Although we identify as switches that switch is only in the bedroom. Throughout all the entire everyday life he is dominant, and that makes him feel important, strong and in control. In the same way, I wanna lose control and let go he wants to do the opposite.

Princess E is a Swedish freelance writer focusing the DDlg lifestyle. You can read more about her and the love of her life - Mr B on her blog.

Are you a little? In a DDlg relationship? What works for you? Find out what our community is saying about the DDlg lifestyle in the forum.

Say something about the DDlg lifestyle our BDSM forum
Images by vr4msbfr and RestlessMuse: Flickr Creative Commons.


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