Halloween is just around the corner, it’s the spookiest, sexiest time of the year filled with invites to parties but what do you wear? Never fear, Victoria Blisse is here to give you some hot adult Halloween costume ideas without the frightening price tag!
It’s especially challenging to find a Halloween costume to fit the bill for a kinky celebration. So many 'off the peg' outfits aren’t at all sexy and trying to find a plus-size Halloween costume of any kind are nigh on impossible, especially if on a budget. If you’ve not even thought about what you’re going to wear, let me give you some quick, simple kinky ideas.
Check your wardrobe
A good place to start for your Halloween costume is with something you already have. Do you have a pretty piece of lingerie that makes you feel sexy? A latex dress that clings just right or a suit that makes you look suave and sophisticated? These are the best basis for adult Halloween costumes because you know you’re going to be comfortable.
Add a few accessories to your sexy halloween costume
Horns, a tail and red nails added to anything will make you a devil. Make your own or buy cheap ones next time you’re out shopping.
A good suit only needs some fangs to be transformed into a vampire. Add some pale face paint/make up and or some fake blood dripping from your vampire teeth if you want to go to town.
Become a black cat with a tail made from felt, cardboard ears stuck to a headband, a bell around your neck on a ribbon and painted on whiskers – you can just use your eyeliner!
Be a prisoner. You can use any restraints you already have and give your partner the key, incorporating your D/s dynamic into the fun. If you’re on your own, keep the key somewhere safe!

Naughty devils....
Freak out your fetish clothing
You can always incorporate your fetish wear into a Halloween costume to make your outfit pop at any fetish and fantasy ball. Here are just a few suggestions of what you can do.
Make your black latex dress into a nun by adding a black headscarf, held on by a white headband. Hang a rosary around your neck and carry a bible - and get extra points if you use the bible as a spanking tool!
Add a whip and cat ears to a cat suit to become cat woman! Black is the best colour for this, but it’s Halloween, use whatever colour you’ve got.
Become a pirate wench by wearing your corset over a white shirt and adding in props like a pirate hat or bandana, stuffed parrot on your shoulder or a plastic hook.
Become a sexy mummy. All you need is some bondage tape, wrap it around you from top to toe and, hey presto!

Adding accessories to your fetish wear is guaranteed to make your halloween costume pop.
Cosplay characters
There are some seriously sexy and scary characters out there that you can pretend to be, but getting all the right kit can be expensive. The joy of cosplay is you don’t need to buy a replica costume to rock the look.
Be a superhero. All you need is a cape; they can be picked up inexpensively or make your own. Add in cheap accessories to sell your character. Tiaras, masks, temporary dye for your hair are all good ways to get the look you want.
Find inspiration in fairy tales: A white apron over any blue dress will turn you into Alice, while a red cloak will turn you into red riding hood. Sleeping beauty just needs a poisoned apple or a waistcoat and baggy pants transform a person into Aladdin.
One iconic piece of a costume can sell the whole look, think of Minnie Mouse’s bow for example or Harry Potter’s scar and glasses. Spend some time on getting these pieces right, and the rest of the costume can be whatever you want it to be.

Sexy superhero halloween costumes.
Creating a sexy Halloween costume that doesn’t cost the earth just takes a little time and imagination. If you don’t have either of these things because you’re too busy or stressed out, then here are some quick ideas that you can throw together hours before you head to the dungeon.
Fake blood – drench an old shirt, dab it on your flesh, drip some down your neck. A drop of blood makes anything scary.
Rip up and make dirty an old dress/shirt/trousers and instantly become a zombie. Moaning loudly will add to the authenticity.
Take a bucketful of sweets and chocolate. No one will care that you don't have a costume on if you bring treats!
Have a spooky and spanktastic time in your amazing, unique homemade Halloween costume. Be sure to upload photos on your profile so we can see how scarily sexy you look!
Got some ideas to make a kinky Halloween costume pop? Share it in the Fetish forum.

Images from: Pikawill, Carol VanHook, Mikadew, Jocelyn Saunrini. Flickr Creative Commons license.
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