Futanari is a fantasy fetish rooted in Japanese manga and anime porn (hentai). In it, the characters – so-called 'futas' – usually have two or (more!) sex characteristics. Victoria Blisse guides you through the magical world of futa fetish.


Fantasy is a safe space to explore what turns us on, and it can come in many forms, including films, cartoons, video games and comics. Many of our fetishes start from the media we consume – and as the world becomes all the more connected, we find more intriguing aspects of foreign cultures we've never experienced before. This is part of the reason why the world of futanari and futa is becoming more well-known and accessible to us kinksters. 


What is futanari and what is a futa?

Japanese for 'two forms,' the word futanari refers to someone with a mix of two sex characteristics. Usually this is breasts and a penis, and sometimes also a vulva as well. Most commonly seen in futanari hentai (anime porn) and sometimes called ‘futas,’ they're known for having overly exaggerated features. Think Jessica Rabbit with a dick, and that's the kind of thing you'll see.


Futanari is on the whole an animation and comic-based medium now, though before the '90s, the term was often used to refer to intersex people within real life. Nowadays it is connected only to hentai.


So, is futanari trans?

No, the characters, or 'futas' in futanari hentai are highly sexualized images of intersex characters that center the focus of the story on their inhumanly huge breasts and penises. A number of trans men and trans women have found their understanding of their gender growing from these kinds of hentai comics, videos and cartoons, but primarily they exist for the consumption of cis people, mostly men. And predominantly heterosexual men too.

Breast in show: futanari hentai characters often have exaggerated boobs


Is futanari problematic, then?

Fetish and fantasy are both healthy. Here at fetish.com and FET, we encourage both with great enthusiasm – futanari is a fantasy fetish rooted in Japanese porn characters. It's perfectly fine to enjoy it within that particular context.


“What is futa? Japanese for 'two forms,' the word futanari refers to someone with a mix of two sex characteristics. Usually this is breasts and a penis, and sometimes also a vulva as well.”

Some of the themes in futanari can represent the characters as 'traps' where they portray as one sex (generally female) and then reveal they have other sex characteristics, i.e., a penis, once the sexual action has started. While this is OK to explore as a fictional thing, this kind of rhetoric around real trans and intersex people is damaging and unrealistic. Indeed, it is the kind of slur that can be very damaging to the trans community.



We want to be responsible kinksters, and placing uncomfortable expectations on trans and intersex people or misrepresenting them because of made-up media is very wrong. So, our advice is to keep the futa fetish purely fictional and not try to seek out real life futanari themed experiences.



Why is futa hentai gaining in popularity?

Generally, Japanese anime has grown in popularity over the last decades, with people reading and watching far more from Japanese sources overall. The popularity of series such as Pokémon brought interest from countries such as the US and the UK in more Japanese media.


“Futa hentai and futa porn tends to explore risqué subjects such as non-consent and incest. And as people are fascinated with taboos, the popularity of futanari has risen.”

Hentai is known for its fantastical exploration of adult themes. This type of Japanese porn can range from vanilla themes to the more risqué, and futa hentai and futa porn tends to explore more taboo subjects such as non-consent and incest. And as people are fascinated with extremes and taboos, the popularity of futanari has risen. It gives a way to explore these themes in a totally exotic way.

Twice as nice: Futa characters mix sex characteristics  WikiMedia/Pandavenger


Do futas really exist?

Not at all; they are make-believe characters that exaggerate certain aspects of a person with more than one sex characteristic – they are not based on any real transgender or intersex people and futas come from the creators' imagination. It's essential to realize this and keep fantasy separate from reality. If you are struggling with this or your futa fetish is causing you any concern, you should contact a medical professional.


Enjoying the fantasy of futanari is a fun and delightful fetish for cis, trans, straight, and gay people alike. What you take from your futa fetish and futa hentai is up to you, but remember to kink responsibly! •

Victoria Blisse was an erotic author and sex-positive Reverend. She helped shape fetish.com and FET from the very beginning and we're eternally grateful for her passion and creativity. Sadly, she passed away in January 2024. We hope that whenever her articles are read, she'll be honored.

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Want to find others interested in futanari? Head to the Fetish.com forum and start a thread about your fave futanari content and characters!

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Bro said shemale porn doesn’t trigger men’s homophobia like presences don’t exist 😂😂

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Hi how are you doing ?
My name is Andrew. I’m from turkey and living in Cambridge. I am looking for a mistress to serve.
Thank you

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Hey cutie

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Also want to add that with futas they do have both reproductive parts

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Bravo, Hyrrolar!*

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Bravo! 👏🏻👏🏻

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I am going to save most people the trouble of reading this article, which doesn’t want to address its problematic origins. Futa was born in japan, where their culture is so conservative and isolating that extreme bizarre fetishes are their cope. Extremity of gender roles is part of that issue, and manga can be privately consumed which isn’t disruptive to their culture.

Truth is, it’s a cultural in deep need of disruption. Japan has the lowest sex rate in the world. By far. Their suicide rate is also pretty high. These two are connected.

Futa is very similar to “shemale” porn, It’s a genre of gay porn that is sellable to men that doesn’t trigger their homophobia. You can jack off to it without having to examine why you are attracted to it.

This is in no way anyone’s fault who enjoys this stuff. Sexual exploration and discovery isn’t a linear process. If Futa is the way you discover your bisexuality, fucking bravo, rock that shit, but I feel like there’s a degree of journalistic negligence in not mentioning that the gateway of futa to the western world was a theough a demographic that suffered much of the same ills that japan does.

That demographic is 4chan, The place were incels, red pill, and for better or for worse, ShoeOnHead was spawned from.
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*Humanity. I despise that you can’t edit or even delete posts. That’s reason to not post.
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And now for round two of “you’re just not watching the GOOD anime” while you cry about your severe disconnection with humility due to capitalism and untreated neurodivergence.

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it’s just more tranny nonsense who cares

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I love futas they are my go to smut to cum to

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I love futa, and sometimes fantasize about being one 😍

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i’m horny

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need a futa mummy to dick me down

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Futa low key goated asf

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Love futa 😍

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Futa is like my favorite thing ever

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try Bible Black series 😉

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You'd sound Hot asf telling me that.

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Becuase girl cock is sexy!
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Futa is based on hermaphrodites which do actually exist, yes they are hyper exaggerated but yeah.

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  On 10/18/2022 at 5:55 PM, TBcandy said:

Well doesn't exist irl??? I can name one person that would fit the categorie (and no it isn't me)


Intersex XXY types are rare but were out here, lol

Overall though from a hentai perspective calling it a fantasy sex is fair enough. 

Reading people's comments and reactions has been entertaining.


On a personal note I seem to satisfy a type of person perfectly. Its usually dommy high testosterone tomboy bisexual women. Makes sense when your a girl who wants a girlfriends with parts that match up, lol.

Maybe its just a Yin seeking out Yang thing. 


Life is strange as is it diverse... I love hearing people say stuff like oh I know someone like that.. makes me feel not like the only one in the world, thanks for this.

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Best of both worlds~

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I can't work out whether I think it's kinda hot or gross and degenerate

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I think futa can also be seen an an extension of a pegging/strap-on fetish

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👀 I’m new to the game but would love to check it out! Where can I watch it?

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It’s always fun to see new futa converts.

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Love Futa😩😩

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This looks v interesting. 😊

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“you should contact a medical professional” 💀

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why would you promote this 😂

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The rare third gender... Unicorns are real.

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Best of both worlds

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If futas existed, the male role would be useless, (I love futas) and why wouldn’t you want to be dominated by a beautiful girl or woman with breasts, penis and vagina?!

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Hot 🔥

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Being able to fulfill every wants needs and desire for a woman in every way

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I've always thought this was all benefit. The fun bottom half but the beauty of a woman with breasts. Just sounds like bliss

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A sort of fantasy personality type I guess. When I listen to erotic audio’s and stuff I like to imagine this personality fantasy type of person talking to me

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Well doesn't exist irl??? I can name one person that would fit the categorie (and no it isn't me)

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Always fantasised about being dominated by a futa

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Fetish unlocked

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